Thursday, May 6, 2010

Arizona Immigration Law

What is the name of the New Arizona state immigration law?

What is the governor of Arizona’s name that supports this law? What political party is she from?

What is the law supposed to do?

What did the Phoenix Suns basketball team do to protest this law? Which of their star players has spoken out against the law?,238682

Why are people protesting against the Arizona Diamondbacks baseball team?

Who may be unfairly treated by this new law?

What do you think about this law?

What is “racial profiling”?
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On these sites you can view a few videos in order to find out more about the law.
When you finish you can check out some video about the Arizona law.


Unknown said...

Bad law. I hate it because

Unknown said...

I hate this law because its RAISIS.

Unknown said...

bad law. i hate this law because somebodey shouldn't be jujed by hoenthey look.:(

Unknown said...

I hate this law because its RAISIS.

Unknown said...

yo creo que esta mal porque estan descriminando a las personas latinas.

Unknown said...

Its a bad law because its racial.


Unknown said...

I dont like this law because there not being fare with people. All people have rights. I think that the person that could be most affected with the law are the people that dont have papers.

Unknown said...

This is a bad law. And very raisis. This law is unfair to illegal imigrants. There are many reasons why this law is wrong, one, it's raisis, two, it's unfair, three, it's wrong. And that is all I have to say.

Unknown said...

I don't think that this law is fair. Immigrants have the right to be here in the United States. This law is very racist and bad. Many people across the country could be affected by this horrible law and they don't diserve to be effected like that.

Unknown said...

pura no me gusta esta ley por que pueden ser rasista.U na raso as que puedes ser derpotar.

Unknown said...

I say this a bad law. What if you were a imegrant. Wouldent you feel bad. I weal feel bad couse I know people that are imegrants I will fell bad if i wouldent get to see them. It will efect tones of people in Arizona and other coutrys because the law might come to my state.

Unknown said...

This law is terrible. I dislike this law for many reasons one this law is very anoying if lets say youre are late for a important test or a meeting at work and you get pulled over by a cop it take a while for them to do stuff so that can be annoying.also reason two is that it is racist i understand not wanting illegiall imagrints but we shouldnt go on traking them and what not after there over when they escape they escape you can't keep track of everyone in this country i now we as this county want to but it is a impossible task.This law is unfair cause they are human to so i wonder why we have to gaurd this place and everything why even have passports not much of a reason so dich them and let the people in.

Unknown said...

The Arizona law is horrible. Why would you have such a bad law? Immigrants should be able to go to the united states with out being arested.

Unknown said...

I think the law is very dumb beacause immigrats should be allowed here. And my mom was a immigrant when she was a little girl but now she is a citizen with 3 kids. but i hate this law beacause i am a latino and many latinos are blamed for immagration. I was born here but im latino so i wish this law would be gone. This was typed by a fifth grader at alvarado elementry school and i am 11 years old :(

Unknown said...

That is an example of a very bad law.I hate it because it is racist and dumb. The people who made the law and the people who agreed with it probably either can't read,don't know anyone who is immigrated, or don't have a heart.

Unknown said...

I hate this law. I hate it bacaus it is not very nice. You should say byby to it.

Unknown said...

bad law. I hate it because about 80% of the people i know are imigrants and i would have no one to stay with.its unfare just because were from diffrent countries doesent mean u can boss us around.

it raisist and unfare to all mexican,african and other imagrant.i hate u ihate u ihate u.bye :( :( :( :( :( :( :( !ihate u!

Unknown said...

I think the new law in Arizona is very bad because it is very racial
and its bad to not give respect to

Unknown said...

Yo creo que la lei que estan haciendo esta mal porque hay mas latinos sin papeles que estadunidenses.Las personas que estan haciendo van a quedar mas por todos los latinos.Yo creo que si todos los latinos se van por esta lei no van a quedar ningunos luchadores para sacar adelante a los estadunidentes que no pueden ni ensusiar sus manos y solamente pueden estar detras de un escritorio dandoles que hacer a los latinos y pagandole poco. maria valenzuela

Unknown said...

I hate this law becuase

Unknown said...

I hate this law because no one, and i mean no one, should be arrested bacuase they look different and/or forgot they're passport or paper(s).

Unknown said...

i dislike it because the invisible ligts/moral compass says so JB/KF

Unknown said...

I do not like this law because it can hurt legall immigrants. It can also hurt any person with dark skin that is in Arizona.

Unknown said...

This law is bad because it's rasist. Anthony

Unknown said...

love it

Unknown said...

I think this law is dumb, man. Its not right, homey.This law sucks. It is the lamest law ever invented.

K.F. G.G.

Unknown said...

this is a bad law because it only decides if you are an imigrant by your skin color, so if you're white and you don't have papers you won't get pulled over


Unknown said...

This law is bad because it is rasist and mean to immigrants.

Unknown said...

love it CD

Unknown said...

I hate this law because it is un fair! and raisis! H.c

Unknown said...

im bec i hate you all

Unknown said...

I don't think this law is fare. We shouldn't blame people of another race for taking jobs because those jobs mostly aren't given to US citezens because they don't want them. All people belong and no one is illegal. If you must you can say they are in the country illegally or that they have no papers or that they're not registered citezens, but no one is illegal. I think this law is awful.

Unknown said...

This law rocks!I am rasist


Unknown said...

I hate this law because it is only on black people that means it is racest.

Unknown said...

i think this is the worse law ever because its rasis and dumb.DS

Unknown said...

I hate this law because racest to all black people and unfair.And the law is only on black people.

Unknown said...

This is SPARTA!

Unknown said...

im grubs i like dog bones

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

i hate this comment thing ,but i have to do it .i hate the law because they may think im an immigrant because i look like i was born in mexico ,but im not!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

who said love it

Unknown said...

i hate this law because its raisis.there discriminating the latins.its really wrong to just make a law just because of how they look and stuff like that.people have rights to stay in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.samantha rm 10

Unknown said...

rite it is sparta

Unknown said...

I don't like the law because it makes people who look like an immagant feel unsafe.

Unknown said...

I do not like this law because its not fair to everybody.who ever made that law is stupid.

Unknown said...

i love blogging

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

heh heh, it is sparta

Unknown said...

I think the law in Arizona is bad and wrong and racist to all imigrants in the whole intire world.Another reason I hate it is because, arizona is being racis in how people look and police can not stop people because the way you look.
Enyolli M

Unknown said...

I think the new law is very unfair. I really hope it does not come up to California. Alot of people would have to go back to their Contry. I think the nation-wide protest was a good thing. I also think that when the suns wore a jersey saying "Los Suns" it was good. This is a big issue in our country. It's bad that the cops can depor you for color of your skin. It's almost like the issue in the 1950-1990 of black people and segregated schools. isaac v.

Unknown said...

clare, i do not agree with you because the invisible lights say that is very mean to love it.

M.V. (G.G.)

Unknown said...

i definitley dont agree with that. this law is horible.

Unknown said...

yeah Clare, don't be a meanie.

Unknown said...

the invisible lights have taken me away. do not search for me in hell.if you do iwill murder you.

Unknown said...

i do not like some of the comets because some people actually said I LOVE IT! wat the heck is that. i think that this law is unfair . i mean how are they going to work plantations withouth imigrants i mean imigrants work grape, staberrys, oranges plantations ext. mauricio c