Monday, May 11, 2009

Arizona Law

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Unknown said...

I think Obama doing very well.1 thing we are in hard times with the economy.And to what he will use the money for.TTFN :}

Unknown said...

Barak Obama is doing very good. He is doing way better then Hillarry & John. He is not doing very much about Afganistan. So he's in the middle. But mostly OK. But he is stopping the war.

Unknown said...

obama is doing great!!! he's getting everything done in a days work. but, i still wish, with a snap of the fingers, all of our worries would be over.but thats never going to happen,right? i guess nothing can go my way. even though life would be alot easier with some of my thoughts. back to what we were talking about! what was it again? oh!!!!! obama right? yes!that was it! about how great he is...... anyway he is doing fine,fantastic,out of this world!! you probobly think i'm being sarcastic,huh? WELL,I'M NOT!!!!! I like obama in the way he does things!!!! i like the way he trys to take care of us, and all that stuff and things.... so i close saying, he's doing great of this country. signed,emma massie

Unknown said...

Barak Obama is doing so so.He is not doing very much about Afganistan but heis doing better than Mcain or Hilarry would have done.He deserve some credit for the econemy but he is not the angel some people make him seem like.I give him a b+.

Unknown said...

I think he is doing good because he gives 25 more dollars in pay checks.just if he can help the economy a little better.but i think hillary is way better.

Unknown said...

obama is the man he rules ooh ya obama your the MAN !@#$ FYI OBAMA RULES! GB AND TTFN. FROM:BCEMMILSA + CMMB.

Unknown said...

bad law. i hate this law because somebodey shouldn't be jujed by hoenthey look.its racist and it sucks. itink itsvey hard for others to come to dis state.