Friday, May 7, 2010

Room 22 & 11,
Arizona Immigration Law

What is the name of the New Arizona state immigration law?

What is the governor of Arizona’s name that supports this law?
What political party is she from?
What is the law supposed to do?
What did the Phoenix Suns basketball team do to protest this law? Which of their star players has spoken out against the law?,238682

Why are people protesting against the Arizona Diamondbacks baseball team?

Who may be unfairly treated by this new law?

What do you think about this law?

What is “racial profiling”?

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2. Type your paragraph in the “Leave your Comment” box.
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On these sites you can view a few videos in order to find out more about the law.
When you finish you can check out some video about the Arizona law.


Unknown said...

Type your opinion here.

tony b

Unknown said...

Why are people protesting against imagrints like myself. If they are angry that they have to pay taxes and the imagrints don't then they should just make a better system instead of fighting its not the latinos fault. If people aren't going to let the latinos live a normal life then what do they expect. Give the Latinos jobs and they will be able to fend for themselves! I'm proud of my herritage and no one can discurage it! Daniela G

Unknown said...

i dont really know what to say... this is pretty serious. but its just that the immagrants.. idont really know why they like to be illeagal. wouldnt it be nicer if they just went peacefully and got papers and then people would except them and we wouldnt be having this problem and people wouldnt be "insulting" them. and they woulnt have people getting hurt or arrsetted or anything like that because they wouldnt be illegal and people wouldnt be doing this because this kind of thing about races really makes me feel uncomfortable. i also really dont like people fighting. like why would you rebel against a football team while they just playing a game of football. like all they were doing was playing a regular game of football!! you shouldnt be protest about some football!!! its just plain weird and thats all i have to say about that!!!!!

Unknown said...

by the way my name is Emma M.

Unknown said...

I think its unfair to see that we are so controling to people that just want to live their own life. And they have to come to our country to do that because of how they look.Definetly rude and unfair!

adela m.

Unknown said...

I think that this is really racist. I am really glad I was born here. I don't want the law to pass to San Francisco. I wish they can just deal with immagrants coming. This is a FREE country!!! I am so proud I am Latino and live here

Anais A.

Unknown said...

I think this law is unfair but I can undersatnd how other people feel.I can understand why they are protesting.I think it is unfair because it dosen't matter what color your skin is.Exept I still think everyone pays taxes.

Jiries H

Unknown said...

this world would be so much better with world peace and no racisam. And people have reasons for coming to this country but wat example are we setting if we degrade all who are different. Americans are the one forceing the imagrints to sneak in! This is a horrible LAW! Daniela G

Unknown said...

I think that you should not be in America ilegally, I also think that a cop shouldn't be able to pull someone over for the color of your skin. The law in Arizona is to "extreme." I think that if you are here ilegally you should be arreted. If there are to many imagrets in any country they should pay taxes.

Jeremy S.

Unknown said...

I think they are being racist by the law in arizona. they should let people free in california and arizona. people should not make people mad when protesting like fighting and breaking the law.

hunter n. padilla

Unknown said...

I think this is very racist.
I am glad i was born here in the united state. And i dont want the law to pass here. I wish they will just deal with this.I am proud to be LATINO.

Marleny S

Unknown said...

Lourdes p.

I think that cops have no right to pull someone over just beacause they're latino. It's racist. Latino's have a right to live just like everybody else.

Unknown said...

im really confused still though, i have no idea what i should do to help its not i can though right? im in the CA and this is in Arizona and i dont alot of money sooooooooooooo i cant really help can i? and also since the word racist has been thrown around i feel like no one knows what it means anymore its like its a common name like and or but. its just kind of dumb and outragous. i dont get it it dosent make any sense. im CONFUSED!!! by Emma.

Unknown said...

I think they are being racist by making that law in Arizona. I think this is unfair because it is going to hurt all the immigrantes that live in arizona, and I am proud for the suns are all honering their latino fans. That's my point of view.

Jesus M

Unknown said...

I think that it is not fair that people are protesting when we should be getting along.That is why Martin Luther King went threw the fight so we can all be friends.At my old school Ruby Bridges came and saidm that our school looks like a bag of M&Ms and she was proud that all of us were together.And thats the way that we should all respect each other.COME TOGETHER RIGHT NOW OVER ME!

Daisy s.

Unknown said...

what do you think about jan brewer she is the reasoin about all this not just all the outher people waveing flags in our face.she is calling latno racist.i think this law is dumb .

Unknown said...

PEOPLE! if they were all arrested we are just furhter humiliateing America! We are the ones stopping imigrints from coming to the point were they HAVE to sneak in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Daniela G

Unknown said...

I think this law is unfair to the latino people. especially to latino sport players and other ilegal immagrants.How would americans feel if we made them ilegal. Again this is very UNFAIR!

Emily C.

Unknown said...

Patrick Bohan
i dont have any real strong oppinion on this law but i dont think its right.piolice souldnt be able to pull people over unlless they did something like speeding or running a stop sighn.I think racial profialing is wrong.I oppose this law but i dont know enough about it to go to any i said before i dont like it but i dont know enough.

about irt to publicly aoppose it.

Unknown said...

I think people should stop fighting and just let people live in america. And stop judging who should live in america by there skin color in america.And i dont think checking people for having thier papers is necesary.

kenneth d. johnson

Unknown said...

I think that this is horrible because in Arizona police are sending immigrants back to their home country. It is actually a new law that i think is unfair. I hope we can make Arizona change thier mind about this law.

Unknown said...

I think they should allow people from Mexico just not all at a time. In baseball there is pedro Martinez and other great people some of the best baseball players are from other places and not all are from u.s.a .They should also have that fight for cinco de myo

Unknown said...

The cops should not stop imagreants unless the are speeding. I think that this is not good because pepole have the right to live in other states.I think racial porfialing is very wrong. David Q

Unknown said...

i think this law is bad for arizona. Why there are fiding.Why they stoed the ptes.

Unknown said...

I think that immigrants have a right to come here! Still they need to be able to care for themselves and the american citizens shouldnt have to pay for thier bills and education.

Alyssandra U

Unknown said...

It is not fair that they are not treating people and stoping them if look latinoand askimg them for the papers

Rudy A

Unknown said...

Post Comment here.
Marco B

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

The arizona law is a dumb thing because people might be born in arizona.
nicholas t

Unknown said...

I don't like this unfair,stupid,racial law.I don't like it because this offends the latino culture and it ofends my family that are latino.My mom is an immigrant and shes really offended.Im feel really bad for my mom. Paola B

Unknown said...

I don't like this unfair,stupid,racial law.I don't like it because this offends the latino culture and it ofends my family that are latino.My mom is an immigrant and shes really offended.Im feel really bad for my mom. Paola B

Unknown said...

this law is just wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nicholas t

Unknown said...

i think its embarasing!!!!
nicholas t

Unknown said...

I think that this immigration law is terrible and unfair. So much racism! I really wish that everyone in this world could get along and be happy. I support all the athletes that are protesting against it, thats really a good thing to do. Fight for your and other peoples rights! We are all equal, and should NOT be judjed by looks or religion. I believe that if we work together and cooperate, then we will be happier. Life is short... so why waste it fighting?!
-Ryan T.

Unknown said...

¿Porque estan haciendo esa ley en Arizona? Yo pienso que eso es injusto de que si ustedes fueran imigrantes como sentirian.

Unknown said...

I think that this law is weird and unnecessary. I think we should let the immigrants come and have a better life. Some people say they are bad for the economy but i disagree. They bring more money into the economy. Also people say they clog up our schools. I completely disagree. It helps the teachers and children develop if there are people from all over the world. Also if they mingle then they learn other languages.Also they do a lot of jobs like house cleaning and repairing.

Unknown said...

the law is horrible!!! its racist, discriminating, unfair, injust, stupid, pointless, and senseless!!!
this is a free country an i think that anyone has the right to come here. this dumb law is incredibly horrible and should not have the right to take place.
joey k

Unknown said...

Yo pienso que esta nueva regla no puede parar a la gente que imigraron a este pais imigrantes y la Ms Brewer no sabe si su ansestros viniero de otro pais o eran imigrantes.

Unknown said...

Yo pienso que es muy malo que no dejen a los imigrantes estar qui. Todos somos iguales sola mente venimos de otro país que no es Estados Unidos.Cual es el problema que estemos aqui no aruinaremos su escuelas ni nada que es importante.


Unknown said...

Its not fair to let imagrents out. everybody should be allowed in the united states. its not alright that some peole almost died so that they can stay were the can get a job, health care,health ensourence, and they cant even stay here thats just pure wrong. There kicking out latinos only because everybody else has to pay taxes, and the y dont, well then let them get a job here and then they can pay their own taxes. thier going to jail and we need to let out give them what they what. Gabriel P

Unknown said...

I hope this law doesn't pass to California or any other state.I just wish I was the president at this time to stop this dumb law.I hope god fixes this situation and everyone can have peace.I HATE THE REPUBLICANS!!I hope president Obama doesn't let this law pass to another country or state.

Unknown said...

Why is the owner that says he's agiants the law but he is giving money to the governer of arizona that is tring to past the law. This is really just a racial protest to send imagrents back from where they came from. I think that what the Arizona Suns are doing is a good thing changing the shirts to "los suns". The giants are going to be wearing "los Gigantes" jerseys. What i dont understand is why they care that imagrents are in this contry, isent it a "free" contry. Some people are saying that the imagrents are taking space in are schools and many other things. As a imagrent my self I think we should stop the law from passing in anywhere else. Becouse it has already passed in Arizona.
Mosiah C

Unknown said...

i think that the law is horrible! it is unjust,unfair and rasist! why, if we goback a couple hundred years ago, at most, we are ALL imigrants! we, took the American Indians homes,and that was mean enough. now we are against innocent people because they want a better life, it is just horrible, mean unright and just plain discusting. in my opinion the stringet law is childish, immature. i support all peple against this law. rose o

Unknown said...

why do people do this stuff.
nicholas t

Unknown said...

I think its the worst law in the U.S.A! And Arizona was givin to us by Mexico.Everybody should have the right to come hear because they are human to!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

mauricio c. i think that the imigration law is dome and has no reson to be done. i dont know why they`re taking out imigrants of this country. most of the jobs are caried by imigrants and if they take out imigrants ot they`ll have no one to work the fruit plantations. i like the teams that do stuff like the giants are puting los gigantes.

Unknown said...

its not fair that the imagrants are going to jail just because they not have papers. In Arizona they have a new rule that people that not have papers are going to jail.its not fair to does people.I think that imagrants have to stay her.And people that live in arizona have to repend the imagrants.the law is suppose to make migrants get out of the united sates and go to their countris.laura o

Unknown said...

Yo pienso que la emigracion de que hay en Arizona por que todos los que estamos a qui somos emigrantes. Que de jende de agarar emigrantes de que bienen de otras paises.

Unknown said...

I dont think this is a good law, because imegrent people com to have a beter life not to take the money. I dont like this because you are not tertin us whit respet. armando c.

Unknown said...

why is there descrimination against imagrints like me? We are all humans. Latinos arent making bad for the american people. If latino people had papers we will not make imagrinst for american. Thi place wouldnt be same whitout latino people.

Unknown said...

Im againts the law because they have alot of ared time finding work. At the same time is not cool .

Unknown said...

Yo estoy contra la ley de Arizona porque es rasista, mala, tonta y que el presidente de U.S.A pare esta ley rapido y seguro para la gente inocente por vavor.

Salvador Limón

Unknown said...

Emma, I agree with you. You can't do anything about it, except voice your opinion and hope people listen.
-Sarah E.

Unknown said...

I eerga htiw uoy. s'ti riaf-un dna

(Translation)I agree with you. It's
unfair and stupid.
By Clare DeCock

Unknown said...

I dont think people should be rasic

Unknown said...

i agre with you (down me) police shouldnt pretend just to see your papers.:( :( :( :( :( by citlalli

Unknown said...

I agree with you this law wouldnt be a law if it wasnt for Jan Brewer. Shes calling LATINOS rasis when shes RASIS for saying that.DanaS.