Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Room 15,

What is the name of the New Arizona state immigration law?

What is the governor of Arizona’s name that supports this law?
What political party is she from?

What is the law supposed to do?

What did the Phoenix Suns basketball team do to protest this law? Which of their star players has spoken out against the law?,238682

Why are people protesting against the Arizona Diamondbacks baseball team?

Who may be unfairly treated by this new law?

What do you think about this law?What is “racial profiling”?

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On these sites you can view a few videos in order to find out more about the law.When you finish you can check out some video about the Arizona law.


Unknown said...

Wrte your opinion about the law.

marco b

Unknown said...

i am agenst it because i think it is crool.

Unknown said...

I upous the law because its very racist.

Peter Danison

Unknown said...

Im against the law because there are being to racist to the latino What if U were latino would u like people being heak of RACIST ,#$^*^$$@*(()^%#%@!@%$.

Unknown said...

I opose the immigration law of arizona because I think that yust because you have dark skin doset meen youre a iligal immigant.

Samantha danison

Unknown said...

i feel like its unfair to the immigrants and its being racist i am against the law

Unknown said...

I think is racist because almost all of the u.s. citizen want to get them of the u.u.s.s.

Unknown said...

I upose the immigration law of Arazon.I upose it becase I think it is racist and you don't know if some body is an iligal immigrant just because ther color of ther skin.

Ruben Reid

Unknown said...

i think that they're being racist

Unknown said...

i am agents it because thats unfair to the immigrantes and there were being races to other people.

Unknown said...

To be honest Iam against the Arizona law because everyone deserves to be treded equaly. Also because some people are being racist.

Unknown said...

i am agenst it because it is crool and meen.

Nina Steinkemper

Unknown said...

im aginsted because they are getting very racist because when did we be mean the white people and make a law and if they dont care am going nuts. nathan

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

i am against the law because i think all people should be able to to come to this country. and i dont want my parents to go back to their countrie. i also think they are being racist
alyza m

Unknown said...

im agenst the law in Arizona

Alejandra Galvan

Unknown said...

i am aganst the new arizona law because i am a mexican and i will fight for freedom.i think they are rasist becaus of what they said.

Meztli Mercado

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

im againts bacause that no fair to other people

Unknown said...

I think the law is dumb because it is not rite to boss people by there color

Parker Whitcomb

Unknown said...

im against the law. daniela s

Unknown said...

I think it is raceist because almost all of the people from u.s
and other people.


Unknown said...

I think that is dumb because hiting people for no reson and people are bieng ricesto there on kind.


Unknown said...

im agains the law.kiya

Unknown said...

I think is racist becuase they want to take all of the not U.S. citizen. kevin H

Unknown said...

I think it is raceist because allmost all peple of u.s


Unknown said...

I go againsted beacuse their being racist to mexicans. And you dont know if their imigrants or not.

Julio Cesar Garcia

Unknown said...

I think that its dumb because hiting people for no reason and their bieng racist. Jorge R.

Unknown said...

Im againts the law because they have alot of ared time finding work. At the same time is not cool .


Unknown said...

I think is racist.


Unknown said...

Yo estoy contra la ley.Por que es i
injusta para la jente imigrante.

Daniela Rivera

Unknown said...

I agree yo!

Unknown said...

i agree that the law is very racest
and unfair too.

Unknown said...

i agree its very racist to people

Unknown said...

i did

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I think the law is bad because its racits and crool

Unknown said...

I think SD is right. It is awful how if you just have dark skin u can get arrested in Arizona. If it's happening there it could spread all around the country and we could be some of the people being racist. I just really hope it doesn't spread.


Unknown said...

i am agreeing with Parker Whitecomb's comment.

Unknown said...

$@*%@ dumb

Unknown said...

i am referring to Ruben rieds comment. i agree because really, you shouldnt be able to grab some one and ship them off to a random place just because their skin is a shade darker then yours. that doesnt. even if they are an immigrant, 90 out of a hundred% they are legal.

Unknown said...

Ruben ,I believe you're right. IT IS UNFAIR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Tiger shark
I dont know the low.

Unknown said...

I agree you. It is not fair that just because of your skin color.

Unknown said...

i think the new "law" is rasis because they are discriminating the latino's and thats very rasis.I to be honest this law is bad. By Samantha room 10

Unknown said...

ya i agree its unfair and crool.

Unknown said...

I disagree with Hanah Basker. I think it is racist but some of the imigrants have very powerful wepons and are big time drug dealers.

Lourdes Perez

Unknown said...

It is very rude and mean to have to be a sertain color to be allowed to come to a country. They think that it is just the latino, who are selling all the drugs well
(not to be rasist) but it is also white,african americans, ect... who are also bringing stuff to the country, so to just pull over one specific color is very MEAN!!!!

adela m.

Unknown said...

i think it awful, crewl and racist and its disgusting.

Unknown said...

hi momy!

Unknown said...

I love you john <3<3<3<3<3<3

Unknown said...

Keely Roberson

Unknown said...