Friday, May 8, 2009

How's He Doing?

Room 10 and 14,

Barack Obama has been president for a little more than 100 days. How do you think he's
doing. Review the posting instructions below and post your opinion on the blog site. Write at least 4 strong sentences giving your opinion with reasons to back it up.

Directions for Posting to Blog
1. At the bottom of this post, click where it says “Comments”.
2. Type your paragraph in the “Leave your Comment” box.
3. Type in the Word Verification.
4. Type in the Username alvarado21room & Password ******* (purple99).
5. Click on the orange “Publish your Comment” tab.

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Unknown said...

I think President Barack Obama is doing very well. So I am doing a report card on him. On the economy, I think he gets an A+. He's planning to create new jobs. On the war on terrorism, I think he gets an A+. He wants to stop the war and bring our troops back home. And finally, on healthcare, I think he gets an A+. He wants to cut healthcare taxes. Speaking of taxes, he's cutting more than healthcare taxes. So I think he gets an A+. Wow, Obama has all A+'s! I think he's been doing great since his start as the U. S. president.

Unknown said...

hey dudes, i think brack is doung a pretty good job. I mean were in some tough times especially with this recession!!! #1 He has some pretty hard decisions to make like, how much money to give!!! and what about health care for all!!! T.T.F.N ( talk to u later) ,bouncy and beautiful (andi)

Unknown said...

I think President barack Obama knows what he's doing and is doing it well. Obama has thought about what he needs to change and is trying to change it. Economy, taxes, and gas prices are some of the things he's trying to fix or has fixed. Obama in my opinion is a great president and he is doing a good job so far.

Unknown said...

i think barak obama is doing very good.i know its might be tough but i think hes happy.

Unknown said...

I think he is doing very well in his first 100+ days. Also the stock market has gotten better as I've seen Dow in the 8000s. And home prices have dropped so this is the perfect time to buy a home. His presidency is going well.

Unknown said...

I think Obama is doing very well in office. He was a little bumpy when he was trying to choose his cabinet workers but,now he's doing better.

Unknown said...

I think he`s doing fine!There hasn`t been many problems!Hopefully he will keep it that way!Signing off room10!

Unknown said...

obama's doing great.i'm glad he's bringing the troops home. die iraq war!

Unknown said...

i think barak obama is doing good.i know hes happy being president.but im wondering if he gets frustrated now?i also wonder when his birthday is?

Unknown said...

I think he's doing the right things, by pulling the troops out of Iraq. I also think that he is doing well by cleaning up the mess that Bush left for him.Franny

Unknown said...

I think barak bama is doing very good. The only question is; is he bringing soldiers back from Iraq. thank you for all the things you did for the united states of america

Unknown said...

I think this law is useless and unfair. There is no reason to exclude others because of where they are from or what color they are.

Unknown said...

I tink this law is vere bad. because I sodof a imigrent

Unknown said...

I tink this law is vere bad. because I sodof a imigrent kevin A