Monday, November 24, 2008

Hunger 101

Room 13,

Today we are going to play an online game and learn about
the people in our city who don't have enough to eat. In order
to play you must go to this website created by the San Francisco Food bank. Play it the same way
Mr. will show you, making different choices that help you understand about
hungry people in San Francisco.

After checking out the website we will post a comment on the blog. Follow the directions below in order to post your comment. In your post, tell one thing you learned about hungry people
in San Francisco and also include in your post one idea you have that might help the many people
who are hungry in our City.

Directions for Posting to Blog
1. At the bottom of this post, click where it says “Comments”.
2. Type your paragraph in the “Leave your Comment” box.
3. Type in the Word Verification.
4. Type in the Username alvarado21room & Password ******* (purple99).
5. Click on the orange “Publish your Comment” tab.

I look forward to reading your comments!

Mr Bianchi


Unknown said...

I learned many people don't have enough calories.

Mr. B

Unknown said...

I learned that people can die witout food.


Unknown said...

I learnd that many people in this country have no food.There are many ways to help,but a good way to help is to donate money to companies for the poor.

Daniela Guzman

Unknown said...

I learned that a lot of people do not have enough calories.They also do not have enough money to spend on calories.
anais aldaz

Unknown said...

i leared that lots of people can't buy anough food for there family.
and they can't eat the food the need.they need to have anough calaries to live.i think i can help them by donating food to them.


Unknown said...

I learned about hunger.I also learned that people in that game did not have a lot of money.Also about how much calories people need.


Unknown said...

I learned that people need more money to by more thing.When people need money give them some of your money.When people are poor you should give them one 100 dollers.

Unknown said...

I learned that some people don't have little money don't get enough calories and don't get enough nutritan so theydon't get enough energy.I think that people should donate more food.


Unknown said...

This game tought me alot about people that don't have food. We need to help by giving them more food.


Unknown said...

i've learned that people don't or can't get food,because they don't have enough money.i've also learned that everyone thinks its not fare.they think its not fare ,because some people just can't get what they need.its kind of not fare that some rich people don't even care,cause they think there better than them.and if the homeless people found that out,it would hurt there feelings.which makes me mad,because i also help the homeless people sesiety.i wish i was rich,because then i would help them and waste all my money on them so they can be happy and have homes for there family.

signed emma,

Unknown said...

I learned that lots of people don`t have enough money to buy food. Also that they don`t have enough caloris to eat.


Unknown said...

I learned that homeless people and people who have money but are still poor dont get enough calories .I think more people should donate food because its very nice.
I thought the game hunger101 was a smart game because it really taught me something I didn,t no.
If i were anybody i would play that game.Jake

Unknown said...

I Leared that people don't get enough protein. We can help poeple
by giving food to the homeless.


Unknown said...



Unknown said...

I learned that some people in the world do not make a lot of mony.They dont get as much food as we might have.They have to use mony carfully,for there son,husbend,and themselves.They cant get all the calereis they need


Unknown said...

I Leared that many people dont have food.some peole dont have mony for food.Donat mony


Unknown said...

I think it will be nice of me to do this.Put food in the box. juan

Unknown said...

I learned that I could put food in the box.I now therer isnt alot money for the other poeple.So I can put money on them. thats how I will help them. AMERIC

Unknown said...

I learned that some people don't have a lot of money to buy food.


Unknown said...

i learned that people can't get enough food nor,i'm gonna tell you a story now.i was walking down the street,when a guy was around the corner.and he begged me for the potato chips that were in my hand.i knew mommy was gonna be upset of wasting her money on a homeless,but i gave it to him anyway.and when mom saw what i had done,she was unhappy and happy at the same.she said i had to ask her next time and what did was good.then she started talking about at least you didn't give him money,because she/he wouldn't have spended it on food she/he would have spent it on food,but drugs,so that he or she wouldn't go hungry.but i knew that thats bad for you and you might get a real bad,thats how i learned about the homeless and i was lucky he didn't attack me.signed, the person who's gonna kill you.

Unknown said...

Malo low.Cambien el iow proque es tonto.Tamiel es feo.Proque poeneae low.

Unknown said...

The act of the law take was not right. by look at a man that caucacian and black. the caucacian man steale black man go to jail. this stupid because of ges by law the police stop you for and stupid


Unknown said...

This new law is unfair,dumd and Stupid. This is mean because their descriminating people.

Unknown said...

This is mean and dumd because my friends mom is a imigrant. May 1 i went to a march


Unknown said...

i am agents the law and i thik it is rasast and ho ever made the law its no fer for mexican.

hazel juarez