Wednesday, January 21, 2009

President Obama

Room 15,

January 20, 2009 was a very historic day in the United States. Hopefully, you had the chance to watch the Inauguration of Barack Obama. What did you think of what he had to say? Do you agree with him or disagree? Give reasons for your agreement or disagreement.

Also, think about what your responsibility is as a person who lives in this country. What could you do to help PResident Obama with the problems we face in our country.

Think about these questions, review the posting instructions and then type a response of at least four STRONG SENTENCES.

Directions for Posting to Blog
1. At the bottom of this post, click where it says “Comments”.
2. Type your paragraph in the “Leave your Comment” box.
3. Type in the Word Verification.
4. Type in the Username alvarado21room & Password ******* (purple99).
5. Click on the orange “Publish your Comment” tab.



Mr. Marco Bianchi said...

I like Obama. He is cool. He
speaks nice. He is cool! I like Obama.

Mr. B

Mr. Marco Bianchi said...

I heard Obama's speech. I agree with him that we must all help to fix the problems of this country. He said we must do this by helping each other. We must help those people who most need help. The most important thing he said was that we need to end the Iraq War. That is also the most important thing I think we need to do
right now!

Tony Blanco

Unknown said...

I liked obamas made some people cry so it was probably pretty good to them to. I hope obama stops the war and lowers gas prices. I think he will be a good president.

Unknown said...

I heard Obama's speech.I relly agree whith him to help poor paeplo. To change this contury.And to stop the iraq war right now!!!!!!!And your cool.

Unknown said...

I think that now that Obama is president he will help America out of it's problems. Gas prices are soaring up, Obama will lower them down. The economy is crashing, he will help the economy. Schools don't have enough money, he will give schools more money. I am looking foward to Obamas first 4 years in the white house

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I like barack obama because he's the first african american president and he'll try to bring the troops back from iraq.he's the best president in the world.

Unknown said...

I liked obamas speach. It really inspired me. We have to help obama.
The way to help obama is to fight global warming and the war in Iraq.

A Lizard that likes squash

Unknown said...

I heard obamas speach he said "We can change this contry but it won't come easy." I agree with Obama we are used to be givin stoof but we are gonna have to change, and it wont come easy I think he is right. We are have to use are cars less and walk more.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I did not hear Obama's speech but my Grandma said it was great. I think Barack Obama would be an ideal president with his family and vice president Joe Biden. I am very glad John McCain did not become president. My cousins say if John McCain became president they would stay another year in Spain. I think Barack Obama should be elected 8 years.

Janet St.Clear

Unknown said...

i liked obamas speach. I liked how he was going to close the Guantanamo Prison. My parents are sohappy that Obama is president.

Unknown said...

I think barack obama is going to be a great president because what he said in the inagruation said it all. i think for the next 4 years barack obama willl be the best president

Jorge Leon

Unknown said...

I think barack Obama will be a good president. I think that Mr.president Obama is gone be a very good presedent. And i aspecily think that your anagaration was great and evrything you said was treu and you are rhit we should bring back the soldiers from iraq. its treu and i would like to congragulate you in being the first afracan american presedent


Unknown said...

I think this law is very dumb because it is wrong to boss people about there color.

Parker Whitcomb

Unknown said...

I think that is dumb because hiting people for no reson and people are bieng ricesto there on kind.
