Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Election 2008

Room 15,

For the first part of class we will finish our research. Remember you are finding information for all five candidates: Barack Obama, Cynthia Mckinney, Ralph Nader, John McCain, and Bob Barr.

During the second part, you will have the opportunity to vote for one candidates for President of the United States. Now that you have finished your research, think of why you would vote for one of these people. Remember that your opinion gives reasons for your choice. In order to give your opinion you will POST to the blog. So in your post tell WHY you think the person is best for the job of president. Below are your choices:

Barack Obama
Cynthia Mckinney
Ralph Nader
John McCain
Bob Barr

Directions for Posting to Blog
1. At the bottom of this post, click where it says “Comments”.
2. Type your paragraph in the “Leave your Comment” box.
3. Type in the Word Verification.
4. Type in the Username alvarado21room & Password ******* (purple99).
5. Click on the orange “Publish your Comment” tab.

Good luck I look forward to what your opinions about these sites are!
(Mr. Bianchi)


Unknown said...

Write your opinion here.

joe plumber

Unknown said...

I think Obama would make a good president. Because he wants to bring back the troops. He also cares about people.


Unknown said...

I think that Barrack Obama would be a great president. He is going to bring back soldiers and prevent us from getting involved in most wars. If he wins, he will be the first African American president. He will cut taxes and will not accept the 1.3 trillion$ to medacare unlike McCain

Leroy Jackson

Unknown said...

I think barack obama would be a good president becausehe wants to bring the troops home.I dont think mccain would be a good president bbecause i think he has alhimers.And because hes 72!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yo MaMa

Unknown said...

I want Barrack obama because hes better then the other cannadents. Because hes gonna help immagrents and kids. Hes be the first african american president. Hes a kind person and he has a nice smile.

Unknown said...

I think Brack obama shold Be presadent bebecase John Micaen is a pain I heat John Micane. Olso Obama is osom because he's ganna bring back the troops from Eraq John Mican

I Heat John Mican

Unknown said...

I think barack Obama will be a great president because he will be the first african american an because he will bring back the army.

lil man

Unknown said...

I think that Barack Obama would be a great president beacouse he wants to stop the war in Iraq as soon as possible, he wants education, and health for everyone in the United States.


Unknown said...

I think that Barak Obama.I would like to vote for him becouse he is going to be our first black president.Another reson is bacouse he is goingto stop the war.


Unknown said...

I think Barak Obama is the best for the job because he wants no war. He is also very determined to help education and health care. The acusations against Barak Obama from John McCain.He is very kind.
Suziie Betrofire

Unknown said...

I think that Barack Obama should be president because he would stop the war in Iraq and he also wants good education.

Sofia L.

Unknown said...

Yo pienso que Baraka Obama deve que ser pressdente por que va ser el primer presidente moreno.Tabién por que va a traer los guerreros de Irac.El va lludar a los niños a tener derechos.
Mila Cube

Unknown said...

I think that Barack Obama would be a great president because he wants to stop the war.Also i think he will be a good president because he wants to bring the people from the war.And i think he is a kind person.


Unknown said...

I vote for obama because he wants the war to keep on going.We never had a black president.I knowthat he should be president.

By:pation marshall.

Unknown said...

I think Barack Obama would be a good president. Because Mccain dosent care about war he keep leting thousands of american soldiers die for Mccain pans to tax thousands of american homes if he wins.Barack Obama dosent plan to tax so many homes. And thats why I think that Barack Obama should why i think Barack Obama sould win

Will Smith

Unknown said...

I think Brak Obama will be the best precident because he is traing to bring the army people from Iraq.Because my dad is in the army and I mis him so much.


Unknown said...

I think Obama would be a great president becauce we never had a black . And he would stop the wighth persons to stop critication of blaks.

By piton Kidman .

Unknown said...

I think Barck Obama becauce he is the first black person.And he sems nice.

by. Target

Unknown said...

Yo pienso que barck obama sera un buen president porque no le importa la gera y ba a traer a los soldados a los estados unidos tambien ba a bajar la renta.Ba a limpiar las beredas.

Cloe beberligils