Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Election 2008 Recount

Room 15,

Last class we finished our research and then we posted our comments and cast a vote for
one of the candidates. Unfortunately, not everyone voted. So today we are going to do two
things. First go back to the blog comments on October 22. Click on the link "18 Comments"Read what your classmates wrote. Secondly, think about your reasons for picking a candidate for president. Then post a paragraph long opinion to the blog, following the instructions for posting (below). Remember when you post do not use your real name.

Barack Obama Democrat
Cynthia Mckinney Green
Ralph Nader Independent
John McCain Republican
Bob Barr Libertarian

Directions for Posting to Blog
1. At the bottom of this post, click where it says “Comments”.
2. Type your paragraph in the “Leave your Comment” box.
3. Type in the Word Verification.
4. Type in the Username alvarado21room & Password ******* (purple99).
5. Click on the orange “Publish your Comment” tab.


Mr. B


Unknown said...

billy bob

Unknown said...

I think Obama would be a great president because he wanst to bring back the troops from Iraq. He also is a nice person and cares about the people. If he becomes president he will be the first african american president and he will give free helth care for all. He will also not go to war for nothing. Dragon that likes to kill

Unknown said...

I think that Barck Obama would be a good president.Also becouse he is going to bring back soldiors.And he can be are frist african amarican.And he rocks.


Unknown said...

I think that Barack Obamam is good because hi will be the firs african american of all are precidant.Hi will gif the latinos mor rights.Hi will gif rights by gibin more speaches for them. Lyly montes

Unknown said...

I think that Barack Obama would be a good president because he wants to stop the wars.Also because he respects all kinds of people.And he is going to giv more money to schools.And if he wins he will be the first African American president.


Unknown said...

I think barack should win because hes black and hes smarter than john mccain. I dont think john mccain would be a good president because i think he has alshimers. And hes 72!!!!!!!! and his face is rincaly.


Unknown said...

I think that Barack Obamam is good because hi will be the firs african american of all are precidant.Hi will gif the latinos mor rights.Hi will gif rights by gibin more speaches for them. Lyly montes

Unknown said...

I think Barack Obama would be an ideal President of America because he wants no war. He is also very determined to have Change in health care and education. The acusations against Barack Obama from Jonh McCain and Sarah Palen are not true! I belive he chose a good vice president, Joe Biden is very determined,wise, and kind and so is Barack Obama. He takes in the opion of the sivilasation, Barack Obama does,and we've never had an African/American president, and he is the best!

Suziie Betrofire

Unknown said...

I think Barack Obama should win for president but i hopethey dont assasin him. Barack Obama is going to stop the war and bring back the troops. Barack Obama is going to cut taxes. if Barack Obama chose Hillary clinton he could have won but nop she just gave him her points to Barack obama. If barack obama wins he is going to be the first african american fo our president. Theres been to much american presidents.

can i have my poooooops!!!!!

Unknown said...

I think Obama would be a great president. He wants health and education for all. He also wants to stop the war in Iraq, unlike McCain. He would be The first African American president. He would be a huge diference from George Bush.


Unknown said...

I think Barack Obama is gana be a great president. Becaus he is vary talented olso undurstands the Goverment. And wont do a crises like Goerge Bush. He's gana give thausands of tax breaks for home ouners. Olso very smart and he's gana maik right dasishans. He is olso gana give money to schools and chearity. Olso give lower taxes to milleans of people By: Love Cure

Unknown said...

I think barrack obama will be a good president.Hes gonna be the first african american president.Hes gonna help the immagrents.Hes gonna be cool as a president.


Unknown said...

I think obama would be a great presedent because he helps people.Hes going to stop war.Hes going to help the imagrints.And he has nice smile.

shawn micles

Unknown said...

I think Obama should be president because he would cut the taxes. He would also stop the war in Iraq.And he also wants good education.


Unknown said...

i think barack obama would be a good presidint because we never had a black president and he will bring the army from the war in
iraq and he will give us all helth

i like pancakes

Unknown said...

I want obama to win becuase he wants troops to go back to america.He also is the first black president!We havent gotten a democratic presedent in a long time.

hades and posidon

Unknown said...

Barack Obama deserves to be president because he spent so much time and money on his work. A lot of troops will be saved from wars, and will stop wasting money like George Bush. He is kind and will be the first African-American president. He will cut taxes, and have fair rights for American.

the pokemon

Unknown said...

I think Obama will be the best predecient.Because he is tring to bring people from Iraq.My dad is a merine and I mis him very much.


Unknown said...

Yo creo que obama sea un buen presidente porque el va a traer comida a las escuelas. Y la jente pobre.

POR Trader jos

Unknown said...

I think obama would be a great presedent because he helps people.Hes going to stop war.Hes going to help the imagrints.And he has nice smile.

shawn micles

Unknown said...

I think barack Obama will make a good president.Plus if Barack Obama wins he wont send more souldiers to iraq.I wouldent vote for McCain if I was an adult.PLus barack Obama will BRING BACK souldiers.So I would vote for Obama. Sunshine

Unknown said...

barrack will be a good preasident because he will be the first african american.

The heat

Unknown said...

I think that Barack Obamawould be a good president.He could take all the soilgers back home.He is going to cut down the bills for lower money.

By:pation marshalls

Unknown said...

I think Obama would be a great precidint.Becauce they would stop with the wihte people criticing the blak persons.And we neberhad a blak precident.


Unknown said...

I tink that barack obama should win. becus Mccain plans to tax if Mccain wins hel keep killing millons of american soldiers for nothing. Thats like buying 2000000000000000000000 millon computers and then just trowing them away thats just plan not smart.Barack Obama plans to bring the slogers back from war and most likely keep us from geting in most wars.Of corse Mccain plans to do nothin about war hel just let the soldiers die. I think ive made my point abut Mccain if you are planing do vote for Mcain still well i ges i cant stop you but think hard about it befor you go and vote.

your mama number 2/choclet man bat man is wierd

Unknown said...

I believe Barack Obama is the best for the job, he is very determined, steady, and kind. He helps immigrants, and is going to help education, too. He is also going to bring back the solders in Iraq, he is also going to help health care and jobs.

I believe he chose a very good vice president. Joe Biden is very even tempered, kind, steady, and determined. I believe his steadieness and determination will asure Americans that all is right.

Jonh McCain I do not believe, is the right ruler. He goes in debates telling people how good he is and that Barack Obama is bad; but what is he going to do to help the sivilisation? Nothing. Nothing is going to change.

Suziie Betrofire