Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year!

Room 11 & 22
Today after you have finished editing and publishing your "Grandma" story,I want you to
post a response to the following questions:

1. What is your New Year's Resolution?
2. If you could change one thing about Alvarado what would it be? Tell Why?

Follow the posting directions.
1. At the bottom of this post click where it says "Comments".
2. Type your paragraph in the "Leave your Comment" box.
3. Type the Word Verification.
4. Type the Username: Alvarado21room and the Password: purple99
5. Click on the Orange "Publish Your Comment" button.

 When you are finished you can check out some of the following links:


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

My New Years resolution is to go to a good middle school.

Kevin H

Unknown said...

My new year resolution is to get better grades and practice more division.

Jorge O

Unknown said...

I dont have a new years resulutio. If i could change something it would be 40 minute of reces. I say that becouse it would realeave us of stres

Unknown said...

If I was going to change something for Alvarado. It would be Longer recess shorter lunch. Because we kind of never get hungry and always want to have fun and play sports.

Unknown said...

I dont have a new years resulutio. If i could change something it would be 40 minute of reces. I say that becouse it would realeave us of stres.
Peter Danison

Unknown said...

I would change the recess add more minutes.

Kevin H

Unknown said...

If I was going to change something for Alvarado. It would be Longer recess shorter lunch. Because we kind of never get hungry and always want to have fun and play sports.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

my new year resolution is get into a good school.if i could change something about alvarado i would change the starting time to 8:40am.the reason why is because i think that kids need to get more sleep so they have enough energy.
Daniela S

Unknown said...

My New Year resolution is go to a very good school. if icould change something about alvarado i would change the time to 8:40 am. the reason why is because the kids need more sleep so they can get more energy.

Kiya L.

Unknown said...

My New Year resolution is to be better at basketball.also if I got to change something in Alvarado is to make music class longer because it's fun and because it's bearly 30 minutes and I want it to be at least 45 minutes.


Unknown said...

Ruben Reid 1/6/11
My New Year resolution is to improve everyone but myself. One thing I tihink Alvarado should chage is there computers to newer modle computers.I think that should hapen because if there are newer computer programs that the school wants the computers might not handle it.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

my new years resalution is try to get me homework in more often. if i wont change something about alvarado it would be for resece 10 more minuet long

Eli G.

Unknown said...

Dear Mr. B., my new years resolution is to get more sleep on school nights. I plan to do this by going to bed earlier. If I were to change something about Alvarado it would be to have better school lunches. The pizza's cheese is like gooey plastic and the pasta is cold.
from, maria teresa wangamez