Thursday, January 13, 2011


Room 11,

Use the links below to define the following terms:

Class Mammals
Class Aves (Birds)
Class Pisces (Fish)
Class Reptiles
Class Amphibians
Endangered Animals
Threatened Animals

Yahoo Science Dictionary
Harcourt Science Glossary

Make a note on scratch paper of what each term means using your own words.

Review the directions for posting.  Then choose three of your defintions and post them to the blog.
Don't forget to include you name at the end.

Directions for posting:

1. At the bottom of this post, click where it says "Comments".
2. Type your post in the "Leave your Comment" box.
3. Type the Username: Alvarado21room
4. Type your Password: purple99
5. Click on the orange "Publish your Comment" tab.


Unknown said...

Class mammal A class of animals that is a warm blooded animal with a back bone. They have hair on their skin and the females feed their young with breast milk.

An endangered animal is one that is at the point of no longer existing.

Amphibians are a class of smooth skinned animals with a backbone that hatch their babies from eggs that go through stages of development.

Unknown said...

Threatened:Populations of animals that their populations is not protected.

Endangered: A population of animals that are becoming to be extinct.

Amphibians: Animals that live most of there time in the water.

Kevin H

Unknown said...

Mammals~animals that give milk to their youngand are furry.

Pices~vertabratestht live in the water until they die.

Endangered~a certain amount of animals that are close to extingtion.
Dorhkas Ramos

Unknown said...

Mammals are animals that most of them have hair all over them and give milk to their young. The highest know is a human.

Endangered animals are animals that might go extinct if the world is not careful.

Threatened animals are animals that might go endagered soon.


Unknown said...

Threatened. The risk of becoming endangered.
Endangered. The risk of becoming extinct.
Bird. Warm blooded animal that have feathers and can fly.
Peter Danison

Unknown said...

Mammals-animals that give milk to their young and that are furry.
Pisces-vertabraids that live in the water intil tthey die.
Endangered-a sertain amount of animals that are close to extinction.

Meztli= :]

Unknown said...

endangered-warm-blooded verebrate animals that are covered byhair on the skin and the female produces milk for ther young.

bird-it is warm-blooded, egg-laying, and has feathers.

endangered animal-A spices wich is little and at risk of extinction.

Samantha Danison

Unknown said...

Endangered: A spishis of animal that is no longer existing.

Thereatened: A animal with omost low populeshen and it adout to go endangerd.

Amphibian: A animal thet haches eggs in the water and rows in the water and as a adolt it stays on land.

Hazel Juarez.

Unknown said...

endangared A species that is going to desapere if we dont do anythig before they desapire forever.

thereatend A population of organisms that are almost going to be endangered if they are not protected.

Amphibian A cold blooded animal that characteristiclly hatches as aquatic larva with gills.

Daniela R

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thereatened:A population that is likely becoming endangered if they don't help.

Fish:Aninimal that lives in the deap blue sea.

Bird:Animal that has feathers.


Unknown said...

A fish is a vertebrates that live their hole life under water that can swim.

An animal that is threatened is a population of any kind of animal are not protected.

A bird is an animal that can fly that has wings JORGE O

Unknown said...

mammal-Any warm bloodedanimal,including humans.

reptiles-Any cold-blooded most of the time lays eggs having scales.

Amphibian-cold-blooded animals,smooth-skinedof the class amphibia.

Alejandra Galván

Unknown said...

Mammals-any warm-bloooded animal, including humans.

Reptile-any numerous OF cold-blooded animal,most of the time lays eggs,has scales.

Amphibians-cold-blooded animal, smoothed-skinned of the amphibians.

Kiya leday

Unknown said...

Mammals-any warm blooded animal,including humans.

Reptiles-any cold blooded animal,most of the time lays eggs,has scales.

Amphibiam-cold blooded animal,smoothed-skinned of the class amphibians.

Daniela Sandoval

Unknown said...

Reptile-It is a cold-blooded usally egg laying vertabrates that have scales or horny plates and need lungs to breath

Amphobian-A cold blooded animal, that is smooth skinned of the class amphian, like a frog or a salamander that hatches an aquatic larva with gills.It transforms into an adult with air breathing lungs.

Threatend animals animal at risk of becoming endangered.


Unknown said...

mamels- any of varios warm bloded verbratew including humans.
birds-Aves are warm bloded that they lay eggs and can lay eggs.
pisces-vertabratsd that live in the water intul they die.

deidra 11

Unknown said...

mammals:Any warmbloded,including humans.

fish:Animal that livs under water

reptiles:Animal that has scaly skin

Kevin A

Unknown said...

Endangered Animals Animals that are on the brink of extinction.

Threateatend Animals Populations of organisms that are likely to become endangered if there not pertected.

Class Amphibians A cold-blooded animal with a smoothed skind vertebrate of the class Amphibia.

Ruben Reid

Unknown said...

Mammal- the definition for mamal is a warm bolded animal of a class Mammalia including humans.

Bird- The definition for bird is an ave that lays eggs with a lot of feathers.

Fish-The definition for fish is a cold bloded animal that has gills and fins and a small body Julio Cesar

Unknown said...

mammals:any worm boolded including humans
birds:an anmial that it cloud fly
fish: anmial that livs under water

Ivan Loera

Unknown said...

Mamals: Animals that are not houseless and produce milk. Jeckson