Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Room 13,

Today you will follow the directions below. You will name streets, as well as locate landmarks according to the directions below. Open Kidspiration and you will find your file called
                          "My Hood Template" located in Classrooms/Room 13/My Neighborhood

1. Orient your map by putting the directions on the compass
2. The street that is the most northerly, running East/West is First Street. Name it.
3. The street that is in the center of town and runs North/South is Center Street. Name it.
4. The streets that run East/West are all numbered. Name them.
5. The most Western street running North/South is called Oak Street. The street one block east of it is Pine Street. Name them.
6. The most Eastern street running North/South is called Spruce Street. The street one block west of it is Maple Street. Name them.
7. There is a school on the Northwest corner
of Third and Center Street. Place a school there.
8. There is a Hospital on the Southwest corner
of Third and Maple Street. Place a Hospital there.
9. Old MacBonkey has a farm on the Northeast corner
Of Maple and First Streets. Show it on your map.
10. There is a library three blocks north of the Hospital on the same side of the street as Old MacBonkey’s farm. Show it on your map.

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