Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jamestown Adventure

Room 22,
Today you are going to play a game in which you will make decisions for the  group of colonist that are settling in Jamestown.  You will make decisions about food, safety and relations with the Native Americans (Powhatan). Play the game and at the end you will repond to the questions below.
  • In your posting respond to the following questions:
  • What strategies did you use to keep the colonist from starving and/dying?
  • What strategies did you use to keep the colonist happy and not have them turn on you?
  • What condition was your colony in when you finished playing?
Review the posting directions below. The post your response.
Directions for posting:
1. At the bottom of this post, click where it says "Comments"
2. Type your post in the "Leave your Comment" box.
3. Type the Username: Alvarado21room
4. Type your Password: purple99
5. Click on the orange "Publish your Comment" tab


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Type post here, at least 4 sentences. Mr. Snape

Unknown said...

I planted all corn and I traded with the native americans. The town provides good sanitation but poor protection. The castle provides poor sanitation but good protection in the end I was promoted govener.


Unknown said...

for not letting them die I made them hunt and fish.This is how I made the colony happy is by tobbaco.My colony condition was good when I ended the game.One of the specific scores I was for health I got Good.


Unknown said...

it was fun

Unknown said...

My strategy that I used to keep the colonist from starving and/dying was trading with the natives and hunting/fishing.
The strategies that i used to keep the colonists happy and not have them turn on me was letting them look for some gold.
My colony's condition at the end of the game was excellent. I even got to be governer!!!
maria rm. 22

Unknown said...

I always had everyone work and I would make them fish and hunt. I built wood forts so that I would not end up with no money. We traded with the indians so that they were not angry at us. I planted wheat and tobbaco because thats what the colonist said he wanted. I also planted corn because that was what the indian girl said kept them alive. At the end of the game Virginia even had a new govenor!

-New govenor Zoe

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I got voted governer. first i sail to the south coast. Then I made peace with the Natives, built a town ,and made evry one work. then they fished and hunted. Then I planted tobacco twice and wheat. Lader I got exilent for food and gold and good for health. Its harder than you think.


Unknown said...

1.i planted food insted of tabaco,i buit a home that powhaton could not attack and i chooose a good place to landi traded with the natives

2.i gave the colonists what they wanted and not spoiling myself.


Unknown said...

i landed on inland and decided to trade. i planted corn i let the servants work because the gentlemen were tired.

Unknown said...

Well first I killed all of the colonists.By going hunting and giving them only tobaco.And I atacked them my score was every one was dead.

Unknown said...

for there food I made all of the people hunt and make them happy I gave them tobbaco. Iput two wheats and one tobbaco. at the end of the game it said I was promoted to gavoner of Virgina.

Adam Sabatino

Unknown said...

My colony was ok.First I went to the coast of the map.Then i oferred a trad with the Nativa American.And i bilt a small castle.And i mined for gold, and fed my clonist corn, corn and corn.And when I ended up excellent on food and health.


Unknown said...

For not leting my people die I made them fish and mine for gold. I also planted corn, tobacco, and wheat. I also traded with the native americans. At the end of my game, my colony was very happy with me, I was made Gov. of Vergina. In the end my colony condition was awsome! I was rich, and healthy.Sara Jade

Unknown said...

When I left my colony I was eliced the govener ov Veragina. I planeted one plant of wheat one tobacco and some corn. I avouided the moky waters of the streames and hid frome the spanish in the safe waters of the coast. I incored the Naviteves so my men could keep there tobacco but they had to work. Bulit the wood fort, easy to bild and has houes. Digged for gold and hunted. It took about three try and about five mins.

;] Sage Rehlig[;

Unknown said...

I rilly liked planting all corn. I found out if some tobaco the colinsts will like you. You have to make everybody work. Tyler

Unknown said...

To do best trade with powhattan, Village is best, fishing, and plant corn, and makeing everyone work. Then you would be govener. I didn't become govener. Rod

Unknown said...

I planted corn and fished. The indians killed me. I made every one work. We all died. BY CHRISTOPHERARCHILA

Unknown said...

Hello my name is Andrew! I was playing a game on Mr.bees Bloger! it is called jamestown! what did not work out is when you attak. what did work out is when you offerto traid.

Unknown said...

I liked the game becouse it was histery.I killed all my men on the game.then for food I put 2 corn and one tabacco. It did not go so will for my men.Carlos!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I found James town adventure thrilling.When I played I used the stratagie of ignoring the people,yhen building a wooden fort, I planted wheat,sasafras,and corn my food supply was adaquit anmd the rest was fair.The second time i played i attacked powhatans tribe, built a small castle and planted only tobacco,as a result my people were starving to death,they all died and i was fired. The third time i played i ignored powhatans tribe, built a wooden fort,and planted only corn, i was elected govenor and got all exelent.Ruby

Unknown said...

The way that you can exlent it is if you go to the bottom and land there.Then you put trade and put all the mwn to work.Then you make the men go fishing and hunting.
After that plant corn tabbacco and weat and you will get exlentes and goods. first I died and killed all of my men. then I got rich by minding. omar

Unknown said...

I got promoted Governer 2x! I chose a place that was well hiden and well protected. Ialso planted 2x corn and 1x tobaco. I got extra food for trading with the natives.I also found gold! Andi hunted game


Unknown said...

To keep my colonists happy i choose the bay as a location. It provied warm climate and a rich food supply which at the end of the game my towns heath was excellent. To keep things fair i put everyone to work, including the gentalmen. To save my town i offered to traid with the native americans and brought peace.I farmed corn, wheat, and tabbacco.And recived alot of whealth. At the end of the game i was elected govenor of Virginia!

Unknown said...

I never got it right but trading ,tobbaco ,no gold ,fishing
and hunting is good . Sofia

Unknown said...

The strategies I used were to find a good place to take over.For them to not turn on me I did not make the Gentlemen work.The people did not die because I mostly only planted corn. Humberto

Unknown said...

It was booooooring! just way too short! you barely do anything!

- by anonymos