Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Room 14,

Happy New Year to you all! I hope it is going well so far in 2011. For today's blog

I would like for you to think about two questions and then post a response on the school's blog site. First question is: What is your resolution for 2011? In other words, what do you want to do better or differently this year? Also, I want you to think about, if you could change one thing about our school, what would it be? and why?
Below are the directions for posting to the blog. Write at least a paragraph (4-5 sentences)
and then post it to the web. I look forward to hearing from you!

Directions for posting:

1. At the bottom of this post, click where it says "Comments".
2. Type your post in the "Leave your Comment" box.
3. Type the Username: Alvarado21room
4. Type your Password: Purple99
5. Click on the orange "Publish your Comment" tab.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

My new years resolution is to improve in my soccer and maybe be a little bit more quite during class. But another thing I would like to improve on is my ability to be lazy sometimes at home and at school. If there was something that I would cgange in this school is to figure out how to save some money to buy a goal for the kids who play soccer (like me) to be able to play more accurately. Also to bring back the Alvarado soccer team!!! Nico

Unknown said...

One of my New Year resolutions is that I'm going to improve on my weirdness. Meaning, try to be a normal human. Also, if there was one thing I would change about our school Alvarado it would be the school lunch. Our school lunch is soggy, uncooked, and flavorless. Thats why I don't eat it!
;) Sophia

Unknown said...

I would change that we can play dodge ball.For my New Year resolution is that not eat chips.I would chamge the cafateria food.More recces.


Unknown said...

This year i am ganna try to earn more money than i earned this year.i am gonna try to get 150 dollars inated of $123 this year.In 2011 i am also gonna sell alll my toys becouse i don't play with toys no more a read books or play on the computer or listen to my ipod. If i wanted to change $omething of the ch00l Alvarado it will be that we could have bigger rooms down stairs in the second playground becouse its realy hard to learn in a tiny room. John Macario

Unknown said...

if i could change anything in the school it would be:
1. allowed water fight in school.
2. stay in the classroom during recess if you want to.
3. 10 more minutes of recess.
4. 30 more minutes of computer lab.
5. Less science.
6.50 minutes of P.E.
7. dodge ball

Unknown said...

my resolution for 2011 is that i want to play more sports and be fluent in spanish.This year i want to change how i play soccer because i need to be more aggresive when i play defense.The thing i change about this school is that we could play dodgeball during recces because it is one of the funnest sports ever.

Zachary Y.

Unknown said...

Im gowing to go boxing with Jamal.Im gowing to pay more atanshion and I not play any more when Im whit Valeria.I will be a good girl.And I will not fight with my brothers.

Jennifer Alvarez

Unknown said...

My new year was good.

Unknown said...

one of my new year resolution is to make my homework exelent. and if i got to change the school in some thing is the school lunch.

Unknown said...

My resulutionns are eat more gummi baers.My other resulution is save $$$$$.If i haded the school in my hands i will change the FOOD.the other thing i will change reces for reces of 23 hours.And change bad people.


Unknown said...

For the school,I would change the food.I realy like the tostada boat .......but I dont like the other stuff that much.At my cousins school they have home made lunch food.Like fresh choice.


Unknown said...

some thing would do this year is drink hot chocolate i got some cocoa mix something is longer recesses cause we only get tewnty minutes and some kids like nico gets mad and starts cussing hes bad bad bad boy and we have to change the shcool lunches some kids don't like cause its nasty some of my classmates agree for example:toastada boat alot of people like that meal everyone
has to agree with me even with
the shcool breakfast they don't serve it like frech toast

by joseph

Unknown said...

I want to change myself
becuase i'm allways getting
in trouble.I also want to
change my brother because
we fight alot.This year I
want to change my self.
Valeria Rodriguez

Unknown said...

What I will do this year I will get a guineapig.I will get the guineapig next Saturday,well
I don't now for sure but I'm
excited!I'm thinking of some
names for the guineapig, do
you now any names? Anything that
would change the schoolwould be more reces

Brendon Milan-Howells

Unknown said...

my resolution for 2011 is get smart.Play more sports like football.Play better football.The thing i will chang is play dodgeball. Pablo Verastegui

Unknown said...

My new years resolution is to do better on soocer.The thing i would change on school is to change the food, different sports and change class to change the time reces change diferent rules. vaca

Unknown said...

If I could change anything at school it would be: have water fighting,soccer team.

Unknown said...

One of my New Years resolutions is to work harder being a soccer player and trying to help my friend be normal(Sophia)even tho I dont ever think thats gonna happen.If I could change something about Alvarado, I would have us get a football field, a baseball field, and in-school teams for each sport.

Unknown said...

I think Alvarado should have a football and a soccer team.I think the school should get the two teams andgo Bye-Bye to the bascketball team.


Unknown said...

My new years resolution is to have a better relationship whith my mom. also i think it would be nice if Avroldo addied a bigger play ground and add a football feild.

-Sage Rehling;]