Thursday, January 13, 2011


Room 22,

Use the links below to define the following terms:

Class Mammals
Class Aves (Birds)
Class Pisces (Fish)
Class Reptiles
Class Amphibians
Endangered Animals
Threatened Animals

Yahoo Science Dictionary
Harcourt Science Glossary
Make a note on scratch paper of what each term means using your own words.

Review the directions for posting. Then choose three of your defintions and post them to the blog.
Don't forget to include you name at the end.
Directions for posting:
1. At the bottom of this post, click where it says "Comments".
2. Type your post in the "Leave your Comment" box.
3. Type the Username: Alvarado21room
4. Type your Password: purple99
5. Click on the orange "Publish your Comment" tab.


Unknown said...

Class mammal A class of animals that is warm blooded animal with a back bone. They have hair on their skin and the females feed their young with breast milk.

An endangered animal is one that is at the point of no longer existing.

Amphibians are a class of smooth skinned animals with a backbone that hatch their babies from eggs that go through stages of development.

Unknown said...

pisces are any cold blooded aquatic animal with a vertebrae, fins, and gills.

amphibians are any cold blooded smooth skinned animal that hatches in the water having gills then becomes an adult that breathes air.

endangered amimals are an animal species that if not taken care of, will vanish off the face of the Earth.

sara jade

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

mammal-a warm-blooded vertebrate animal, which has hair or fur that drinks milk form the mom when it's young.

reptile-a cold-blooded vertebrate that usually lays eggs, such as a snake or lizard.

fish-a cold-blooded, aquatic vertebrate,usually having fins and scales.
Maria & Joseph rm. 22

Unknown said...

A bird has warm blood, a backbone,feathers, wings and it lays eggs.

A fish is a cold blooded and aquatic with a backbone, fins and gills.

A reptile usually lays eggs and is cold blooded characterized with an external covering of scales


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

mammals(n)mammals are warm blooded animals that have fur or hair and drink their mothers milk
Birds(n)Birds are vertebrates with feathers
Fish(n)Fish are cold blooded vertabrates that live in the water their whole life.

Miles And Omar

Unknown said...

mammal:a warm blooded vertabrate anilmal in the class of mammalia also hummans, with hair on skin and,in the female milk producing mammary glands for taking carem of the young.
birds:any of the class aves of warm blooded, eggs-laying featherd vertabrates with forelimbs made to form wings
fish:a cold blooded aquatic vertabrates from the superclass pisces, made to have fins,gills,and a streamline body and a bony skeleton

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

mammals:they are warm blooded animals that are back boned, fur or hair on skin, and drink mama's milk when young.
birds;warm blooded egg laying feathered creatures who mostly fly.
fish:any numerous cold blooded,aquatic,back boned, finned, gilled, and stream like bodied animals.
reptiles;cold blooded usually egg laying having a covering of scales
vertabra class of retilyia .
Ruby and Sofia .


Unknown said...

Mammal:Animals with hair and produse milk for their young. Birds:animal with feathers.
fish:Animal that lives in water


Unknown said...

A mammal is a warm blooded,skin covered in hair (fur)and drinks mothers milk.A reptil is cold blooded, lays eggs and relitaves are lizards, crocodiles, turtals, and even a dinosaurs. A thretened is a risk of becoming scarce to the world. Sarah

Unknown said...

Fish live in the water the whole life.

Mammals that have fur and give milk to there kids is atype of mammal.

Amphibians have moist skin

Unknown said...

mammle: any warm blood animal that most dont lay eggs

bird: an aniaml that has feathers and lays eggs.

fish: cold blooded animal that breathes water and lays eggs.

Eli G. and Adam S.

Unknown said...

Class mammal A class of animals that is warm blooded animal with a back bone. They have hair on their skin and the females feed their young with breast milk.

An endangered animal is one that is at the point of no longer existing.

Amphibians are a class of smooth skinned animals with a backbone that hatch their babies from eggs that go through stages of development
karima & andrew

Unknown said...

Sage and Isabel say,
Warm-blooded these anamils also produce milk and have vertebrates. Vertebrates are spines, for expalple a humans, monkeys, and dogs all have verterbrates. All of thoese things also produce milk and are warm-blooded.
Are cold blooded animals that like the sun and warmth.They lay eggs and abandon them as soon as they are layed. the female trys her best to protect the eggs from predetores by hidding them.

-Sage Rehling ;]
-Isabel Hansen

Unknown said...

mammals:any of the warm blooded vertabrae animal of the class mammals,also including humans(us), characterized by a cover of hair on skin, and in the female body, milk is producing mammary glands for nourising.
aves:any of the class birds of warm blooded, egg laying,feathered vertabrae with forelimbs modified to form some wings. pisces:any of numerous cold blooded equatic vertabraes of the super pisces,having fin,gills,and astream body and including specifically.

Unknown said...

mammals(n)any warm-blooded animals whith fur.

birds(n)warm-blooded egg-laying fethered vertebetes

Unknown said...

class mammals(n)Animals that have produce and milk for their children and have fur

birds(n)A animal with a back bone and feathers

fish(n)A animal with no back bone and lives in water
Christopher Reepen

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

It was fun and it did not brack down at all!! All the websites when i clicked on it went fast.i hope it stay the same. camille personius