Wednesday, January 19, 2011

California Mission Life

Respond to one of the questions below.  Follow the posting instructions below.You should write at leat a 5 sentence posting to the question you choose.

1.  You are a Native American living in California. The padres are building a Mission and they insist you help build their Mission.  They have cut your hair and forced you to wear clothing that is not comfortable.You work 17 hours per day and cannot eat your traditional food. If you complain you are whipped and beaten.  The worst is they do not let you practice your traditions. Think about how this would make you feel.  How would you respond?

2.  You are a Spanish priest. You are in charge of a group of Native Americans who have been forced into helping you build a part of the Mission. They do not seem like they are happy with what they are doing.  They often yell insults at you in their own language and you are afaid one of the workers may try to hurt you.  You cannot understand why they do not like to go to church services on Sunday.You feel like they should be glad that the Spanish have introduced them to God.Think about how this would make you feel. How would you respond?

Directions for posting:
1. At the bottom of this post, click where it says "Comments".
2. Type your post in the "Leave your Comment" box.
3. Type the Username: Alvarado21room
4. Type your Password: purple99
5. Click on the orange "Publish your Comment" tab.


Unknown said...

Post your 5 sentece response here.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I would be very mad and feel misunderstood. The padre probably is trying to help us, though, so I feel bad for him. I would ask if I could talk to the padre and try to explain. If, unfortunetly, he would not understand or tried to hurt me I would try to organize a secret meeting with all of my fellow Native Californians. At the meeting I would suggest we come up with an escape plan. Maybe we could try to send a note or signal to some of our tribe that was not forced to work and they could construct a hideout for us so we could escape. Then I would desperately hope the plan would work.

Answer to #1
Camille Willhite

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

In my opinion the native americans are being treated badly. I would try to help the native americans feel at home. I don't think that they should be hurt because they don't like the missions. The natives shouldn't have to change the way they live because my people want them to. It would be perfectly fine if they live their way somewhere and we live ours.

Unknown said...

I would feel violated and unappreciated. I would scream my lungs out and lash out at the priests no matter what the consequences. Then I would run away and build a hideout. Then I would find my family and bring them there too. I would make weapons to hunt. I would live a very merry life after that.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

i would feel sad and violated and i would not like following all there rules and respenting there gods.I would run to my hideout and wont be violated again and i would live my own live in the forest and i will hunt and if they come near me ill stab them.

Sean O'Brien

Unknown said...

I would try to make the mission life for the natives more fair.I would also shorten work hours.I would also let the natives chose the contribution they make to the missions.I would also give the natives more rights and says in what the mission does.And finnaly I would let the natives eat there traditional foods.

Unknown said...

It would make me feel like running away ,and going some were far a way.And buil a house out of wood and mud.I would also fish for my foods.And I would get water from the rivers.And live the the rest of my life alone.

Unknown said...


i would ask 2 b treated the way i want 2 b treated, but he would say "no" so i would move on with my life. if i get beat up, i would fight back and take away their whip and use it against them.

Anthony J.

Unknown said...

I would try to make the mission life for the natives more fair.I would also shorten work hours.I would also let the natives chose the contribution they make to the missions.I would also give the natives more rights and says in what the mission does.And finnaly I would let the natives eat there traditional foods.
Kobe fox

Unknown said...

i would totaly get super hiper .

Unknown said...

I would ask if we could be treated as equals? he would say no. then beat me but later that day i would get all the others and eacape. next i got to my tribe and told the chief too make war. after i would do the same to all of the other tribes.

Daniel Goldman

Unknown said...

Well, I couldn't say anything to the Spanish. I would hate it. I would wish I could say something, but I wuoldn't dare. I would try to celebrate my own tradition at night. I would miss my own food and try to get used to the Spanish food.


Unknown said...

well,I would fell foresd.To do that and I'd go to another country as soon as posible.And be relived. but if they are out to get me. I'll travel the whole world if i have i could have peace in my life.


Unknown said...

It was not fair bacause they codent spck ther lengunge an ther tradision an that di whafto go to charch ebre sonday.An that the spanis sod got t the padris.An that the padris therent let them speck ther lenguge.An that the spanis kil the native amerequns.An that the spanis wel kel the nativs ameraqens

Unknown said...

To the Spanish: Come on, guys! Do you really expect me to do this? How would YOU like it if someone came and told you that you could not do what you were born to do? How WOULD you react? Can you please let me do my

Unknown said...

I would feel sad and unapriciated. I would help the people build that Mission as fast as I can. I would say goodbye and I would leave without leaving the Mission as bigger than it was suppose to be. Then I would leave and go home. I would get food there and eat.
Insted of not helping, them and staying there starving .


Unknown said...

i would try to run away and get mad with this people. And have a happy life with my real family.

Unknown said...

I wouldn't like it because I would be forced to bulid missions, and I don't like being forced to do things.Also I like my hair long.I think I would be living in a cold house with no heat, so that wouldn't be good.And if I tried to run away they would catch me and beat me.I also wouldn't be able to do any of the traditions, so basicly it would be a sad time. Jasper Dwyer

Unknown said...

If I were a spanish preast I would, get gards to gard me. I would let them belive in there own religan as well as mine. If they did not owbay me I would not hert them, but I mite punish them.If they did not like working I would make them have shifts. I would let them sleep unless their was something really impotant.Iwould let them eat there traditanal food.

Unknown said...

i would totaly get mad . make a wish for them to feel what i feel.this would be horrible.


Unknown said...

I would feel really sad because I wouldn't be able to practice my traditions. And, I would feel really mad for being beaten for complaining.So what I would do is think of a plan to run away and try to not get caught by sneaking on a priest disguise when nobodys looking .But if I got caught I would try to start fighting them off and start insulting them in my languge.If I got beaten and got sent back to work I would try to find all of the weapons I could find While nobodys looking and kill all the spanish people the other native slaves and risk my life to save the other native slaves.
Andre Restauro

Unknown said...

It was not fair bacause they codent spck ther lengunge an ther tradision an that di whafto go to charch ebre sonday.An that the spanis sod got t the padris.An that the padris therent let them speck ther lenguge.An that the spanis kil the native amerequns.An that the spanis wel kel the nativs ameraqens. osvaldo

Unknown said...

If I was a Native American I would hate the Spanish. I would yell at them and steal his whip and whip them.And free the Native Americans.And would be free free!!!Also be living freely.uzziel

Unknown said...

I think that the padres should have ben nicer to the native people. Then maybe the native people will help the padres and they will all be happy.

Unknown said...

If I were a spanish preast I would, get gards to gard me. I would let them belive in there own religan as well as mine. If they did not owbay me I would not hert them, but I mite punish them.If they did not like working I would make them have shifts. I would let them sleep unless their was something really impotant.Iwould let them eat there traditanal food.

Maxwell tuozzolo

Unknown said...

post your 5 response here.

It was bad for the native people.
Let them free. They might want to help then.

Unknown said...

I would be mad,and sad.I'd donnt thinck spaerds like it. If i was an indeny i would keel them all.I would run away.I would be mad because they wouldn't let us live like the way we wont to.

Unknown said...

"Why?" "Why don't our workers the Natives live in peace with us, and live happily here at our beautiful mission?" "They should be grateful to be alongside us, the padres.""I myself say that the Natives must be quite blind to not realize it themselves." " Each night as I lie in bed, I silently pray that the Natives won't secretly attack.""I have heard them yell at me before!"

Unknown said...

1# i would obey there laws so they would think im one of them and they will trust me and then i would steal a whip and whip!Every body exect the good people and yell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the spanish people untill i cant yell no more and then i would throw a smoke granade and would run and scream im free!!!im free!!!!!!!!!!