Room 15,
So who do you think should be our next president? Yesterday, Hillary Clinton won the vote in both Texas and Ohio. So now Barack Obama and she are tied in their race. There will be a vote this month in the state of Pennsylvania and it will probably decide who will represent the Democrats.
As well, for the Republicans John McCain won both Texas and Ohio and he will represent his party in November. Also, you should know there is another canidate who is with the Independent Party. His name is Ralph Nader.
Today you will check out some videos of the main canidates for President of the United States. Watch and listen to the videos and then log on to the blog (the steps are reviewed below), giving your opinion about who you think is the best person for the job. Remember that your opinion gives reasons for your choice. So in your post tell WHY you think the person is best for the job of president. Below are the links to videos of the canidates speaking. So check them out.
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Ralph Nader
John McCain
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Good luck I look forward to what your opinions about these sites are!
(Mr. Bianchi)
I think that Obama would be a good president for the U.S.A. I think that because he is not only going to try to stop the war in Iraq but he is also already trying to stop the war in Africa.
I think Hilary Clinton would be an okay president for the U.S.A., but it's funny how she is saying that Obama is copying things from previous president's speeches, but she is doing it too.
I don't mind McCain. But I don't like Republicans, period.
I think that Obama Shud be president. He is a perfac man. the last guy is bad. He can cuase war.Hellari she is okay becuse she looks like a good presadint.
Victor Andrade
I dont like hillary that much because shes not against the war.It saems like obama is against the war. also hes not white so its a change.Hillarys a womin but i still like obama. And hilary dosent seam likeshed do that much to help us. gikilo (leroy)
I would like Hillary Clinton for president because she is against the war. i also liked her because she wanted to fix all the mistakes that our last president made. she would also be the first woman president and that would be a good change. obama would be all right though. He would be better than McCain and all the other Republacans.
i think obama or hilary because they are both going to make a good choice.i think obama should be president because hilary's husband was already a president of the united states.john maccain s probably not going to do what obama is.obama is going to stop the war irak.same with clinton but she said she was going to create millions of new jobs.
I would like either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. Jhon Mc. Cain would not be a good choice because he is against imigration, and believes in war. Both Obama and Hilary would make great choices. Hillary Clinton has had more expirience, and she wants to stop the war. Also, she focusis on helping the middle class not just making life easier for rich people. I think this is a good idea. Barak Obama would also be a great choice. He wants to end the war, wich is good. He also intends to do somethimg about the war in Kenya i think this is a important issue.
Obama would be a great presedent couse he will bring back our troops.Hillary is a good candadate 'cous she will make more jobs. Mcain would be a bad presadent 'cous he will keep our troops in the "war". Huckaby is bad 'cous he will keep our troops in the "war" to. So my fav is Obama cous he will stop the war.
I like Obama because. He said he will pay 5000$ for helth insurance. And not start war.Plus a nother raeson is he is a demacrat. And said "I will make a chang." He would be better than McCain.
I dispise Mc Cain!He want's too put a fence on the Mexican border!
That's ridicullos!Why don't we put a gate on the boprder of CAnada?
And he's all for the war in Iraq.
Some one who dosen't like Rebublicans/Alejandra
Ilike Barack because he is cool
I like Barack Obama because he's not for the war. I also like Barack Obama because if he is presadent he will be the first black presadent. I also like Obama because he said that he was going to lower the money for college.
Pedro 1,000 (Andrew)
I whant Obama to win becuase he will try to stop the war and not start the war again.I also whouldent mind having Hillary Clinton, infact I like Hillary beter than Obama. I like Hilary Clinton becuse I now she whould stop the war to.They are both really good CANDIDATES!
I think Obama beacuse he is trying to stop the war in Iraq. And he is a going to be a good presedent beacuse he is trying to stop the war in Africa. He is trying to bring the trus for Iraq. He is also trying to get healf inserents for U.S.A. BY:GABBY
Ilike Barack because he is cool because his for war and he is a good man
l dog
Obama would be the best president. I glad Obama is trying to stop the war in Iraq. Hilary would be ok. But her speach wasnt very good. I didnt like McCain at all. I also didnt like Ralphs speech.
I think that Obaman because he is trieing to stop the war.tony
Go Obama!!!!
He seems like a great president.
He all feor health care and education.And he'll also be the first African American President!
But Hillary is cool too.
Some one being fair.
I hope that Obama wins and becomes the prisedent of the United States of America.Because his speeches are very good.And what he wants to do is god for our contry and it whil help us and our contry here Alejo
I think that Obama would be a good president because he dosen't like war. I heard that Obama wants too stop 2 wars. I think that Obama is a good person because he cears about bouth Irak and Kenia.GO OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hihi10 (LucĂa Tisker)
i think that Barak Obama shud be president because his going to stop the war in iraq. Obama is a perfect man to be president. ithink he is going to help haelth care. by Erick
I tink barak obama to win because.Because he is train to stop the war.He is trien to help the imegrent that are her.And he would be the first african american.I tink hilary would be a good presedent but i like obama better.By Eduardo aguayo
I think that Hillary is the perfect president becuse she is the best.She cares about everybody beacuse she thinks that saving kids is good. By KACEY
On Stember 6, 1620 the May flower leaves England. So they can go to North america.Chritopher Jones is the ships leader and experienced skipper.But the two month Journey was not a great one. A crew of 30 men worked on the top deck and the Pilgrims worked on the bottom. rarely get a breath of freash air except to emty there chamber pot. Than they were halfway to the new world than a violent autumn storm stricks the ship and the ship began to leak,than the main beam cracks. A passenger is thrown over bourd,but he catches a rope and was rescued. The storm passed was blowen off course. Farto the northfrom virgina.They landed at capecod Massachusetts on November 11, after 65 days at sea. By December they will make thier way to Plymoth rock as there new home as winter sets in.
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