Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Practicing Measurement


Unknown said...

I liked the blueprint game. it was challenging without being too challenging. I also liked the brainormus game a lot. I leaened a lot. while I was playing the games I learned about perimeter, volume, and a lot of different stuff. I think the geometry game was not really about measurement. I think it is important to learn about measurment because there are a lot of jobs that require measuring.

Unknown said...

The buckese blue prints was hard even if it said it wasn't.I kmow that web site was to hard. The funbrain didn't even work. I think that lerning mesurments are important but these sites were not good.



Unknown said...

The sites didnt really teach me anything new. It is important to learn about measurment becauseyou use it alot in life. If you want to remodel your house it would be nice to know how to measure things. You can also use it in many other ways. Bucky has bad teeth. One of the games always said that you were wrong even if you were right. The website where you see the red line next to the ruler was very easy.

Unknown said...

I like all the games but it didnt let me do funbrain, I wanna to do funbrain. I only played 2 games.The 2 games id played there fun. Its funny that the animal had beaver teeth. One was hard and the other one was alote easyer. One is called BUCKYS workshop. Mark NICOLAS

Unknown said...

The games were fun. But jungle gym every time i read the quesion then did the problem it said it was rong like 3+3=6 it said it was rong. They were perfect for me. Mesurment was inportat becuase we mait use it one day. The games were fun also becuase i never played it befor. gabby

Unknown said...

I thought that it was very boring.When you tried to do the blue priint thing the countculater said i got it wrong.I didn't think it it was very challenging.The best part was when you got to make your own shapes.Imade my own world with all the figures and shapes.
Someone who dosen't like mesurements.Alejan dra

Unknown said...

Buckys blueprints was hard.It took such a long time.I prefer easier games.Sadly it was the only game working!!!Oh well.


Unknown said...

Both the websites mascots were weird because they had buck teeth. No wunder his names bucky. they both dont have the answers to their own cuestions.So they didnt teach you enythyng. But bukys workshop was theworst.

Unknown said... was horible.The answers would be right but they were alwas WRONG. I want to sue them.I liked the brainormus were good. And all the other sites were good exept

Unknown said...

I thought that the games were challenging. Bucky's workshop was way to hard for me but the measure it website was fun. I think it's important to know how to measure because you need it a lot in your life. Like if you are a cook then you need to know how to measure liquids and if you build things then you need to know how to find the area. I didn't learn anything new today. I just practiced stuff I already knew.

Unknown said...

I think beaver game was cool but the beaver bothering me. booyacafly

Unknown said...

I think that buckies work shop is easy for me. buckie has weird teeth. the games were worst then 1st graders games.

Unknown said...

I think that all of the games of mesuring arent fun at all. one of the things that was funny and not cool was buuuuuuuuuuuuckys big oooohhh teeth. munch crunch

Unknown said...

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it is the worst selecion of games Ive ever played and I learn more playoing video games all day long and I would rather do that so wy play those games were whene you get the right answer it says your rong!

a.k.a. sam

Unknown said...

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it is the worst selecion of games Ive ever played and I learn more playoing video games all day long and I would rather do that so wy play those games were whene you get the right answer it says your rong!

a.k.a. sam

Unknown said...

I think that the beaver has mest up teath and does not know how to add.tony

Unknown said...

I like the blueprint game because it chalenged me. I also like it because I learned how to measure the diamiter and the surcumfrence. I liked the brainormus game because it was fun and because it had different levels of hardness.

Pedro 1,000 (Andrew)

Unknown said...

The sites I visited taught me how to turn inches into feet and inches.It would be important to lern measurments because we could use it when we are grounups.The sites where perfect for my leavel.
Hihi5 (Lucia)