Room 11,
I hope you enjoyed the speech that you listened to. I know that some of what you heard may have been difficult to understand, but I want you to try and respond to some of what these important people had to say. I know we tried this last week, but I think it will work a little bit
this time because I have made some changes.
So what you are to do is to pick a poem by Maya Angelou or Dr. King's " I have a Dream" speech. and write about something that you thought was interesting, that you agree with in their speeches.
Also, think about something you do not agree with and then say why you do not agree with it. IT'S REALLY EASY TO JUST SAY "BECAUSE' , so think about it before you write.
Today you will write your responses here on line in the blog so that others may read what you have written and respond to it. If you had problems with the sound write about that. Let me know if you have any questions. Good Luck!
Mr. Bianchi
I thought Maya's poems were heavy. I'm not sure what I think about some of the words she used. They were very strong.
Marco (Bonksuno)
I like one of Maya Angelou poems "poem I" hey you guys what did you think about it????? well i
thought it was really cool
JenniferC. (jenny):)
Maya's poems have very srong language. There also very interesting.
I agree. I listened to a couple of the poem clips, but I didn't really get it. It was pretty counfusing. Anybody agree?
Leila (Mikey)
p.s. thirteen, right on...
I thought Maya's poem called The calling of names was very strong because it had a word that ofended black people.
Francisco Sánchez
I liked it because she really got you to think about what what she was tring to say, and like Leila said it was really hard to understand.
Maria (:
I really don't think that the poems used very stong words.
JesusP (trucker);)
I listend to one of Maya's poem "When I think" about myself". It said that when you dont think about how you are you just have a good time.It also said thatr when you do think about yourself you just don't like how you are
Yeymi :)
I like the speech of Martin Luther King. But long. But still, who shot him?
I heard the "Martin L. King" speach and it was just powerful but awesomely powerful and........
At the end of Maya's speech, or was a poem. Did'nt sound like one. At the end, she was like singing.
i think that Maya's used strong words on her poems but I still liked.
Sorry but that coment where I talked about how awesome this blog thing is was me, SARAH
I like the speach of Martin Luther King because it was so powerfull and it was so nice that he said the speach. I think that he did the good thing about saing the speach. I am happy that he did that bacause if he didn't said that i would not be some people fiends.
Jasmin Conteras
i didnt understand what mayas poems were about. They were confusing because i didnt understand what they were about.
I dont now because the had some heavy words but Iliked maya Angelou. Alvaro
I always thought that ML's voices was different... His voice sounded like shakespeare or something. Other than that it was pretty deep. I like how he knew that people would remember his speech for a long time.(first line)
Mikey (^_^)
I think that the poam the therting on the poams of Maya's has bad languig.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I don't know.
I liked one of maya's poem "poem I" like Jenny but I didin't really understand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The speach of Martin Luther king of "i hade a dream" was a very a good speach. I thougnt it was a very brave speach made for the Dr.king Alexandra .:ALEX:.
I thought that Martin L. King is right. that one they we will all hold hands. Black and white.
I liked that one part that Martin L. King Jr. said about "don't settle your thirst by drinking from the cup of bitterness or hate"
did anyone hear angelous poems caled thirteen white and thirteenn black I liked them but did not undersand them.I agree with sarah about how awesome this is.Reuben AKA JJJS AKA Ubenre
I lised to martin luther kings whole speach it was very interesting.
I thought the one by Maya Angelou-the thirteens was ver deep but it was also kind of depressing at the same time in a weird way.
I thought that Martin Luther King did a very good speach.It was a very strong speech. Nery Villanueva
I thinkg that Maya Angelou I like how she poemd but she really used strong words but I really liked so Ilike her.
Lorena Gonzalez
I like I Know site but think answers were right and site said wrong. But I know right. I would have liked to play other games but not measuring.
The game Bucky's worckshop was not a good game becuase when you tiped the right answer it whould like say it was wrong.What I say is that this game is a cheat.Most of the games where ok but doesint mean I like them!!!
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