Room 10,
I hope you enjoyed the speech that you listened to. I know that some of what you heard may have been difficult to understand, but I want you to try and respond to some of what these important people had to say.
So what you are to do is to pick a poem by Maya Angelou or Dr. King's " I have a Dream" speech. and write about something that you thought was interesting, that you agree with in their speeches. Also, think about something you do not agree with and then say why you do not agree with it. IT'S REALLY EASY TO JUST SAY "BECAUSE' , so think about it before you write.
So you will write your responses here on line in the blog so that others may read what you
have written and respond to it. If you had problems with the sound write about that. Let me know if you have any questions.
Mr. Bianchi
Hi Hello How are you?
I liked the poem because she used good words.
Something that I didn't like was when Maya Angelou said that word.(The bad word)
Something that I did like was when Martin Luther king Jr. made a speech telling people to try to change things.
Why did she make the poem so short?
nappy boy
( satchel)
i liked when Maya Angelou said the girls say ya when they mean yeah. sareena
I think that the "I Have a Dream" speech was a wonderful speech. I think Dr. King was the youngest minister because he was young. I love that ending because it was kind of heard in a church.
Maya Angelou's "Revolt" poem was a wonderful poem. It is true that she was the best poet in the 20th century. There was one problem
in the poem "Revolt": there was an inappropriate word. I still like the poem.
These two, Maya Angelou and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., were two of the voices of African-Americans. I think that's wonderful!
I thought that the poem remembering was really good and slightly scary
why did Maya angelou used the same poem but changed it to white and or black after it. sareena
I like the poems because they put a lot of fealling into it. I also thought some of them were a little inepropryet because they would be cussy if it was pressent time.
She used descriptive words. She said words in an interesting way and it was cool.
I thought Dr.King's speech was amazing except the word negro
HI I like that speech because it told me how much black people and white people should have the same thing
weirdalsimppsons sammy
how old was MLK was when he died
Something that I didn't like was when Maya Angelou said that word.(The bad word)
Somethig that I did like was when Martin Luther King Jr. made a soeech telling people to try to change things.
Maya Bonner
uM i LikE thE Way MarTiN LUther kiNG jR. MaId hIS SpeeCH TellInG All wHiTE aND BlAcK Can JoIN hANDs ToGethEr aND Be tHE SaME PeoPLE aS evERYone.
In the peom On Working White Liberals by Maya Angelou,I agree with what she says about not letting anyone fight her battle.
i liked the poem To A freedom fighter by maya because she says what she feels
the man
I like when in the poem she said really good words in the poem
(Lil angel)
I thought Dr.King's speech was amazing except the word negro
Tom Brady
I didn't quite get what Maya meant in The Thirteens(white).I think she writes well.
I really agree with dr.king but I wish once in a while he would say sisterhood
In the poem To A Freedom Fighter, I liked how Maya Angelou really expressed her feelings.
"I Have A Dream" was a very good speech. People were cheering like crazy.
The Marthin Luther King speech was very touching and it snagged me.
It snagged me on as hook and it wouldn't let go. It got me and I felt as though I was in the middle of the crowd cheering along and listening to every word. I felt I was a negro in that times and was marching against segragation.
I felt it could have been just as good and still everybody would've gotten the same message.
Over all I really liked the speeche and it felt really good to listen to. caio
I liked the way Angelou did the two poems thirteen white and thirteen black
I like the speech because he helped black and white people be friends and he gave freedom to all people by
I think I have a dream is a beautiful speech yet I wish it could be a littel more perswasive although it is all ready really perswasive I just wish it coulid be a littel more perswasive Andee
The poem of "Maya Angelou was confusing wird but strong.
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