Hey Kids,
Welcome to my blog. I'm new at this blogging thing and wander what you experience
with blogs has been. Let me know.
I'd like to use this blog as a way to improve the teaching and learning in the computer lab.
If you have any ideas let me know.
Hope you're having a great day!
I am not sure how this works. How can I post a comment?
I think I have a dream is a beautiful speech yet I wish it could be a littel more perswasive although it is all ready really perswasive I just wish it coulid be a littel more perswasive Andee
I think the Sunny Bunny game at kids math bla bla is a bit below grade level, but fun. It can be a bit hard, too.
The Lunar Landers game is fun too, but I can't figure out how to work it. Most people can.
It's just the right amout amount of math for people, first-third grade especially. Twix Mix
the first site is preaty cool. The game loonar lander is definatly the best game on the site and has better graphics then the loonar lander on Cool math.com. besides that the site has its ups and downs, but its still preaty fun.
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