Monday, November 3, 2008

Election 2008

Room 13,

For the first part of class we will finish our research. Remember you are finding information for all five candidates: Barack Obama, Cynthia Mckinney, Ralph Nader, John McCain, and Bob Barr.

During the second part, you will have the opportunity to vote for one candidates for President of the United States. Now that you have finished your research, think of why you would vote for one of these people. Remember that your opinion gives reasons for your choice. In order to give your opinion you will POST to the blog. So in your post tell WHY you think the person is best for the job of president. Below are your choices:

Barack Obama
Cynthia Mckinney
Ralph Nader
John McCain
Bob Barr

Directions for Posting to Blog
1. At the bottom of this post, click where it says “Comments”.
2. Type your paragraph in the “Leave your Comment” box.
3. Type in the Word Verification.
4. Type in the Username alvarado21room & Password ******* (purple99).
5. Click on the orange “Publish your Comment” tab.

Good luck I look forward to what your opinions about these sites are!
(Mr. Bianchi)


Unknown said...

I will cast my vote for McKinney because she would bring the troops home now! I also like her ideas about energy. It would also be great to have a woman as president and as vice president.

The Hamburgerlar

Unknown said...

I think Barack Obama will be a good president because he will take out the troops in Iraq.And he is not 72 years old!!!He is an awsome dude!he will be the first african amarican president.and he wont be a old guy.

Demi Lovato

Unknown said...

I think Obama would be an ousome president beacause he will stop the wars.He would be the first black president and he will give money to the schools.And he ROCKS because he picked a cool vice!


Unknown said...

I think Obama will be a excellant presidant because he will bring back the troops back from Iraq.He is also awsome because he will be aferican american to be presidant.

Unknown said...

I think Obama should be president because he will stop the war and bring the troops back from Iraq. And he has good speeches and he will keep the genral hospital open.
And he will be the first African American to be president.

big head go BOOM!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

pwell i think that barack obama .should be the first afacan amarin president. because it is not just about is that we nead a good nise to obama who will cut down tax,bring the soldiers from arick.that is why you should vote for barack obama.


Unknown said...

pwell i think that barack obama .should be the first afacan amarin president. because it is not just about is that we nead a good nise to obama who will cut down tax,bring the soldiers from arick.that is why you should vote for barack obama.


Unknown said...

I'm casting my vote for Obama because his going to lower taxes for the homeless and higher taxes for the rich. He also wants to bring the troops home from iraq and I agrea with that deicsion. He feels very strongly about free health care and every one should have it. McCain, Obama and every other canidates are all good people but Obama is the better chois.

Ale Gore

Unknown said...


Demi Lovato

Unknown said...

I think that Obama is a cool person to vote for. He will bring the troops back from the war and there will be free health care. I think Obama will be elected because he has more votes than anybody. Jason with a chainsaw and a hook

Unknown said...

I will vote for Obama because he is going bring the troops home.He will also help hospitals and there pationts.He will also be helpfull to disabiled people.

i like nuts! by:J.J.Aster

Unknown said...

I want Obama to be presidant because he would be the first afrerican american to be elected for presidant.

He would also be a smart presdant because he graduated from george Wasinton university.

Jeff hardy

Unknown said...

I think obama will be president,because he has good ideas for energy,stock markets,taxes,and the rest.Obama's great!I love him!(I don't really know what else to write now....)thank you for your paitence,

dead guy.

Unknown said...

I think obama will be president,because he has good ideas for energy,stock markets,taxes,and the rest.Obama's great!I love him!(I don't really know what else to write now....)thank you for your paitence,

dead guy.

Unknown said...

I want Barrock Obama to be president because he is funny nice, and has good speeches on T.V. .Thats all i know exept that Obama wants to stop war. You know what people anyone out there reading this blog should know that we have hmmm let me see presidents.If they were all to be presidents at different times I,d bet they would all make super presidents. If i could i would vote for all of the canidates but since i cant i,m voting for Obama.Vote for Obama please do.

anonomis uglydoll

Unknown said...

I think OBama should be preint because he will stop the war so nobote will get hurt in the war and give mony to school and help people and give people home. ai

Unknown said...

I think obama will be good priseden
because he will hlep the pore.
he will lend thim mony for food.
he will give thim shilter.

he is nice

black boy

Unknown said...

I will vote Barack Obama because blak peopl need rites.and he has good speach.And make sher that evry buty is respeckted.


Unknown said...

I WANT Barrock Obama to be president becuse he is a good person.Becuse he to want to stop war and bring back the soldiers.He is a funny person on t.v

The burgerlar

Unknown said...

I think obama should be president because I like his ideas of bring back the troops back. and stoping the war. he will be the first african american president. I think he is a good
guy. mancester

Unknown said...

I think Obama shuold be president because he is goeing to let the troops out.And he souds like a good person.And he would be the first African american president.
King Kong

Unknown said...

I thing obama will be a big and nice president because he will iook after people.Obama will be the first afreican amarican presdent.I really want obama to be the president.


Unknown said...

He is niec with the childern.And with the perern.I thick he will be a good president. I thick hes a good guy.


Unknown said...

I think Obama shouid be president because he may be the first one who is African Amarican. He will bring the solders back from Iraqe.hes a cool guy.


Unknown said...

Obama rules! go Obama your cool!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!


Unknown said...

I will vote Barack Obama because blak peopl need rites.and he has good speach.And make sher that evry buty is respeckted.


Unknown said...

I will vote for Obama because he is a asome guy.I hope he gets the most votes.He is very nice.


By:Angel Grey

Goatmissile said...

I'm going to vote for Obama, because he cares for homeless people,and tries to lower our taxes.He loves his country(i think he does), and tries to lower our stuff like stocking markets,and more important stuff.Also (no ofense for people who love Mccain)I think Mccain gets to much attention all the time on his shows like ,election 08,or who will be president?.he.....he just gets to much O.K?Also Obama looks sad in all of his pictures.(no ofense Obama)I just think to myself that Obama had a hard he moved to new jersy or something like that.Anyway i think obama should be president and thats final!
from cat dude

Unknown said...

its not election day anymore,Obamas president already.I already know everyone who ran lost.........but hoply we'll survive everything.Now i know the people who wanted McCain and Mkinny and all those people who thought they would be president.Even though everyone's sad,they can enjoy Obama being president.Some things can't change, and this is one of them.Well i have to say, this has been fun ,but i gotta go! bye signed,

the horse with to much hair.

Unknown said...

go obma!!!!!!!!!!!!! you rull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sined,misterbad guy

Unknown said...

my mom wanted bob barr to win.i wanted Mcinny to win. But my brother wanted obama to win. something i think is going wrong here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't you? but my opion is my opiuon. so there! just be o.k with having obama being president and i'll let you stay alive for a while.Mmmmmmmmwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha. Signed

little monkey in a tree,

p.s:help me i'm stuck in a tree!!!

Unknown said...

The president obama is alredy elected!!!!!!!!!!!!hes alredy in the dang white house!why is this stupid blog still up?you people crazy!!!!!!!!

from,i hate whoever put up this blog!