Room 22,
Today you will have the opportunity to vote for one candidates for President of the United States. Now that you have finished your research, think of why you would vote for one of these people. Remember that your opinion gives reasons for your choice. In order to give your opinion you will POST to the blog. So in your post tell WHY you think the person is best for the job of president. Below are your choices:
Barack Obama
Cynthia Mckinney
Ralph Nader
John McCain
Bob Barr
Directions for Posting to Blog
1. At the bottom of this post, click where it says “Comments”.
2. Type your paragraph in the “Leave your Comment” box.
3. Type in the Word Verification.
4. Type in the Username alvarado & Password *******.
5. Click on the orange “Publish your Comment” tab.
Good luck I look forward to what your opinions about these sites are!
(Mr. Bianchi)
My candidate is Ralph Nader. I think he would be a fine president because he believes that people's rights are more important than money. I also like that he wants to bring the soldiers home from Iraq and Afghanistan as soon as possible.
I think Barack
Billy Bob
I think Barack Obama would make a great president because he would be the first black president. Also because he would take our army out of Afganistan and Iraq.
I think Barok Obama would make a great president because he is going to bring our troops home from Iraq.Also he would be the first black president.
I think that Barack Obama should be the presedent because he does not want the war in Iraq and Afganastan and wants the troops home as soos as posible.I also think he would be a great presedent because he would be the first African American presedent.Finnaly I don't quite knoiw the other people so I would go for Obama.
Bob barr, Cynthia Mckinney,
Ralph Nader,John McCain,
Hillary Clinton,
I think Barack Obama would be a great president because he'll bring the troops back from Iraq
doodoo head
I think that obama should win because he said he will give the imergrants the rights like others. he said he would bring back the solders.And he said he would stop the pollution.
By John Mccain
I think that Barack Obama should be elected president because he said that he would bring back the soulders, and also because he said that he would give the rights to the imigrants to stay in the U.S.A.
FROM. SpongeBOB Squarpants
I think that Barack Obama would make a great president for the u.s.a because he really wants to bring back the troops from Afganistan and Iraq.He wants to lower taxes for those who can't afford to pay them. Barack Obama is a great person and would make an even better president!
i think obama should be president becouse he would by the first black president and he will help schools and help haspitols and bring the troups back.
fat head
i think obama should be prezedent because mccain is da same ol'thang!And obama is cool.
I think Barack Obama would make a great presadent because he really cares.He would mack a difference in the world.Besides Barack Obama rocks.
My candidate Barack Obama.I think he's perfect for president because he wants all the soldiers to come back to America than stay there in
Iraq.Barack rocks!!!!
Cheesepuffs are puffy.
I think Barack Obama should be president because he's bring back the solders from Iraq.He also cares about cummity.HE also does it rise taxs.Hornz12
I think that Cynthia Mckinney is going to be a great president because she is a woman and we never had a woman for president. We also never had a black person for president. So that means it will be very special if she wins the election.
i think that Barack Obama shuld be the president becouse, he is focused on trying to help peaple live, and evenhip peaple get beter jobs.He is helping peaple lower there taxes, and bring strugling peaple off of the cold streets.he wants to bring back the troops in Iraq.
Omaly Aly
I think Cynthia would bea great preseident becuase she comes from a small party. It would be great to have a woman for a president
chicken wings
I think Barack Obama because he wants to bring all the solders from Iraq. He cears about heath care and he wonts lower taxes. Obama really cares about the comunity. Voo Doo
I think John Mcain would be a great president because Obama would let the woman kill the babys for no reason!!!!!!!!!!
will smith
I think John Mcain would be a great president because Obama would let the woman kill the babys for no reason!!!!!!!!!!
will smith
I think obama should win becuase he is going to send the troops back to America.
a giant Hydra that likes to vote =D
I agree with VooDoo because he thinks the commity is important.He also thinks Obama is lowering taxs.He also likes Obama because hes bring back the soloders from Iraq.
I agree with Hornz12 because he is true about Obama. He also said he wants to bring the soldgers from Iraq. He also said he wonts to lower taxes and thats haw I feel about Obama. Fart
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