Thursday, October 30, 2008

Election 2008 Wrapup

Room 22,

Last class we finished our research and then we posted our comments and cast a vote for
one of the candidates. First go back to the blog comments on October 20. Click on the link "22 Comments"Read what your classmates wrote. Secondly, think about your your classmates wrote and then post a response that's at least one paragraph long to the blog, following the instructions for posting (below). Remember when you post do not use your real name.

Barack Obama Democrat
Cynthia Mckinney Green
Ralph Nader Independent
John McCain Republican
Bob Barr Libertarian

Directions for Posting to Blog
1. At the bottom of this post, click where it says “Comments”.
2. Type your paragraph in the “Leave your Comment” box.
3. Type in the Word Verification.
4. Type in the Username alvarado21room & Password ******* (purple99).
5. Click on the orange “Publish your Comment” tab.



Unknown said...

I agree with chicken wings. McKinney would be a great president. She speaks the truth and I like that!

Ronald McDonald

Unknown said...

I agree with John mccain. That obama will bring troops back. Also he would be the first african american. so thats my opinoin.

From obama

Unknown said...

True that CHEEKY MONKEY. Obama would be the first black president. And he would bring the troops back. Go OBAMA!!!!!

the flirty vampire

Unknown said...

I disagree with will smith cause he wants mccain to be president and mccain will send more troops to irak. And he is just the same as gorge w. bush. I agree with chicken wings because if she wins she'll be the first african-american woman to be president.


Unknown said...

I agree with Ms. Kuczborski because she said Obama would
give less taxes to the homeless and give more taxes to the rich.

Unknown said...

I agree with Herculeus because he is going for Cythia Mcinny. And it would be great president because she speaks the truth!

Unknown said...

I agree with chees puffs are puffy.Because she or him have a point.That they should bring the troops back from IRACK. FROM.SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS

Unknown said...

i agree with peeps.obama wil make a great president.also he would be the first african american to be president.obama rocks!!!!!!!! from:chickens

Unknown said...

i agree whith ms.Kuzborski, becouse she is voting for obama, and also she is focust on the elecion. i can tell that by how she put her speech in to this asinment.OBAMA ROKCS!!!

Omaly Ally

Unknown said...

I disaugree with will smith because he said that obama is going to let wiman kill babies.And he said that he is going to lit them kill babies."He is voting for McCAIN for no reason.

Unknown said...

I agry with chees puff and peepes.Becase Obama rocks.He like kids.I hope he wins.

cool Amm

Unknown said...

I argee chees puffs are puffy. Because they go for obama.obama will be a great prezedent...And Obama is cool!!!


Unknown said...

I disagree with will smith.And I have a comment for you! I will turn you into a baby and kill you!!!! p.s. your a liar. OBAMA RULZ!!! by:WILL SMITH IS A NINCOM POOP!!!

Unknown said...

I agrue with cheese puffs are puffy.Because Barack Obama would make a good presadent.And he cares .He cares about our world.I hope he wines.


Unknown said...

I agree with Zeus because I think that Barack Obama should be the presedent because he does not want the war in Iraq and Afganastan and wants the troops home as soos as posible.I also think he would be a great presedent because he would be the first African American presedent.Finnaly I don't quite know the other people so I would go for Obama. I think he would change the US!

A huge dragon that likes to vote,

Unknown said...

I really don't agree with anyone I think anyone would be a great president.So I don't really know
who shoud be president.I really don't care who would be president.So anyone is great.


Unknown said...

I agree with Tessa witch is Ms. Kuczborski that Obama should be president because he is going to bring the troops back from Iraq.

caca head

Unknown said...

I agree with Zeus because Barack Obama really wants to bring the troops back from Iraq and Afganistan.He really does want to lower taxes for the people who can't aford them.I think that Obama is a great man.Obama is a great person and a even better president!
