Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Maya Angelou and Dr. King Speaking

Room 11,

I hope you enjoyed the speech that you listened to. I know that some of what you heard may have been difficult to understand, but I want you to try and respond to some of what these important people had to say. I know we tried this last week, but I think it will work a little bit
this time because I have made some changes.

So what you are to do is to pick a poem by Maya Angelou or Dr. King's " I have a Dream" speech. and write about something that you thought was interesting, that you agree with in their speeches.

Also, think about something you do not agree with and then say why you do not agree with it. IT'S REALLY EASY TO JUST SAY "BECAUSE' , so think about it before you write.

Today you will write your responses here on line in the blog so that others may read what you have written and respond to it. If you had problems with the sound write about that. Let me know if you have any questions. Good Luck!

Mr. Bianchi

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Maya Angelou and Dr. King Speaking

Room 14
I hope you enjoyed the speech that you listened to. I know that some of what you heard may have been difficult to understand, but I want you to try and respond to some of what these important people had to say.

So what you are to do is to pick a poem by Maya Angelou or Dr. King's " I have a Dream" speech. and write about something that you thought was interesting, that you agree with in their speeches. Also, think about something you do not agree with and then say why you do not agree with it. IT'S REALLY EASY TO JUST SAY "BECAUSE' , so think about it before you write.

Today you will write your responses here on line in the blog so that others may read what youhave written and respond to it. If you had problems with the sound write about that. Let me know if you have any questions.Mr. Bianchi

Maya Angelou and Dr. King

Room 10,

I hope you enjoyed the speech that you listened to. I know that some of what you heard may have been difficult to understand, but I want you to try and respond to some of what these important people had to say.

So what you are to do is to pick a poem by Maya Angelou or Dr. King's " I have a Dream" speech. and write about something that you thought was interesting, that you agree with in their speeches. Also, think about something you do not agree with and then say why you do not agree with it. IT'S REALLY EASY TO JUST SAY "BECAUSE' , so think about it before you write.

So you will write your responses here on line in the blog so that others may read what you
have written and respond to it. If you had problems with the sound write about that. Let me know if you have any questions.

Mr. Bianchi

Monday, January 21, 2008

African American Voices

Children I hope you enjoyed the speeches that I selected for you.  I know that some of what you heard may have been difficult to understand, but I want you to try and respond to some of what these important people had to say.

So what you are to do is to pick one person or speech and write about something that you thought was interesting, that you agree with in their speeches.  Also, think about something you do not agree with and then say why you do not agree with it.  IT'S REALLY EASY TO JUST SAY "BECAUSE' , so think about it before you write.

So you will write your responses here on line in the blog so that others may read what you
have written and respond to it.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Mr. Bianchi